
Re: Driving Pet Peeves

Casey Kobyluk ~ (ckobyluk@gomez.sc.intel.com) wrote:
: Roger Marquis (marquis@netcom.com) wrote:

: > And no, while I do probably put in more time cycling than driving I do
: > not advocate riding double file unless there's enough room for
: > motorists to pass or the group is very large.

: I believe Roger and Steph are both from California.  California has a law
: against riding double file.  Bicyclists are only allowed to be side by side
: when one is passing the other.  Also, California requires motorists on
: freeways to stay to the right unless they are passing some one.  As a
: motorist (I also bicycle) I am delayed by slow cars in the fast lane almost
: every day; it has been months since I was delayed by a bicycle.

: The opinions expressed are my own, and are not meant to represent
: the views of my employer.  Casey Kobyluk (ckobyluk@gomez.intel.com)

I'm not concerned with delays caused by bicycles. I'm worried about 
bicyclist's safty, my own in particular. I remember how angry I was when 
these two shitheads on Haight Street in SF were riding side by side in 
such a way that they couldn't be passed without crossing the 2bl yellow. 
I wanted to kill them. Really. When I'm riding my bike, I don't want some 
driver remembering his/her similar experience, because they might take it 
out on me.

Side by side riding, when it forces cars to queue up behind you, is rude 
and dangerous. And it endangers people who may be totally innocent of 
double riding. 

Steph Greenberg              "No one lies in their deathbed wishing          
steph@primenet.com            that they'd spent more time at work."