
Re: Driving Pet peeves

Michael E. Dey:
MED| I'm wondering if it would be effective, if when a light turned
   | green, everyone started rolling instantaneously.  As it is, it
   | takes forever for all the idiots ahead of you to wait for the car
   | in front of them to go before they can go.  If we all left a few
   | feet inbetween and started going right away, I imagine we could
   | get twice as many people through busy interesections.

   Sure, and if we all followed two feet behind the car ahead at
   70 mph, we'd improve freeway throughput, too.

   If you think about it, what we're doing when accelerating from a
   stop is transitioning from sufficient following distance at 0 mph,
   to sufficient following distance at x mph.  The faster you get
   going, the more space you need to leave in front of you.  It takes
   a while to attain that space, so that's why you can't move out like
   a train (where the inter-car space is constant - or nearly slow,
   discounting slack).

   So, you *have* to wait when traffic starts to move.  Of course,
   this doesn't take into account the guy who's still reading the
   paper, and who now has sufficient following distance even if he was
   doing 300 mph!!

-- Jim

 þ SLMR 2.1a þ    "It has many other uses as well.  Allow me." - Worf

Internet: jim.poston@megasystem.com (Jim Poston)
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