
Re: Dumb Things You've Seen Whilst Driving

In article <3s783l$qqe@wanda.pond.com>,  <russotto@wanda.pond.com> wrote:
}In article <3s6r8d$2i2@imp.demon.co.uk>,
}Chris Longhurst  <chrisl@division.co.uk> wrote:
}}On the uk.transport and uk.misc newsgroups, I've run a very successful call for
}}dumb, weird, dangerous and just plain strange things that people have seen
}}whilst driving. What I want to do now is throw this topic open to as many
}}people as I can reach. I've already started the definitive list of these
}}stories on my web page (http://www.division.co.uk/~chrisl/ ) and the more I can
}}get, the better. Please try to keep them honest - most of the ones at the
}}moment seem to be. So mail me with your stories, check out the webpage or post
}}the tales here on this newsgroup. I'll be checking..... :-)
}I-270, south of Frederick, MD:  Was in a group of traffic doing about
}75mph when a bunch of cops appeared behind doing 85-90, no lights, no
}sirens.  Everyone slowed down upon seeing them, of course.
}Rather than turn their lights on so we'd pull over, the cops
}blew right by on the right shoulder.  

}I-695 (Baltimore Beltway):  Was doing about 80MPH in light traffic, as was
}the guy ahead of me.  But he was searching for something on his
}passenger seat, and was swinging wildly through the very wide left
}shoulder, and occasionally into the other traffic lanes.  This kept up
}for at least 10 minutes -- I didn't want to pass him the way he was
}weaving, so I just stayed behind and prepared to evade if he hit the
}median or another car.

Since it seems customary to indicate the car model of the offender,
the idiot searching the passenger seat was driving (?) a red Escort.
I didn't notice which model of car the cops were using.
