
Re: Repeal of the National Speed Limit Law

In article <3sa4t2$hks@agate.berkeley.edu>,
Jason O'Rourke <jor@iis06.IAS.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>I don't expect to see it go anywhere in California, with possible 
>exception of the I-5.  
>Aside from the loss of ticket revenue, as someone else mentioned, I bet 
>there will be millions coming from the insurance block to lobby (bribe) 
>against passage.  With Quakenbush doing his part to keep 1990 Prop 103 
>from ever being implemented as well, there are few interests in 
>California to encourage it.  We don't count.

Oh yes we DO count.  Look at how we function in this country.  First, we 
check our pockets.  If we have money left over after everthing else, we 
look for a politician to invest in.  We implore him to pass laws that aid 
us or give us comfort.  Like repealing the speed limit laws.  God help us 
if we EVER, EVER read the laws they pass.  Have you ever read a law 
passed by your favorite politician?

I hear reports every month about how the police department, the 
prosecutor and judge failed abysmally to follow procedure.  By learning 
the law, WE can keep the money away from them, no matter what they pass.  
Well, almost.

Here's one good example: where a completed traffic is delivered, vs. 
where should be delivered.  The traffic cop delivers a copy to the watch 
commander who bundles them up and sends them to the data room at the 
courthouse.  The magistrate NEVER EVER sees them.  They must be delivered 
to the magistrate.  Read the vehicle code.  So much for due process.  Oh, 
and by the way, that equal protection clause of the 14th amendment means 
that you will be screwed just like the next guy if YOU DON'T KNOW THE LAW.

>Perhaps the Teamsters can be of help.  
>Jason O'Rourke

Scott Dunn :  Sui Juris : @netcom.com :  
