
Re: Repeal of the National Speed Limit Law

In <scotdunDAqE2E.Ivt@netcom.com>, scotdun@netcom.com (Scott Dunn) writes:

>Now, if they made the penalty high, people would fight the tickets 
>questioning the procedure and raising the cost of collection.  So, in 
>order to keep the cost of collection down, they have to keep the 
>motivation to fight it down.  They just pick at you one at a time.  
>Meanwhile they have an army of paid lawyers doing their dirty work.  BTW, 
>"they" are the municipal city governments.

True, but what local governments collect is peanuts compared to what the 
insurance companies collect in increased premiums on speeders.  The creation
of the unreasonable 55 MPH law was a bonanza for the insurers for this reason, 
and it's the reason they're lobbying so hard to keep 55.  The Insurance companies 
give away radar units to police departments, lobby to keep the limits down, 
but you never hear of them asking for extremely stipp speeding penalties. 
If that happened, people might actually stop exceeding 55, and the ticket
curcharge cash flow would stop.  They want you to speed so they can cash in
when you get caught.

Yes, 55 is the law, but it's not a REASONABLE law..  It's almost the same if 
they passed a law requiring all drivers to pull over every 10 miles and conduct
a tire pressure check and visual inspection.  They could say it was for safety
reasons, but it would be universally disobeyed, because it would be an 
unreasonable law, like 55.  Speeds should be set by the 85th percentile method, 
(the spped at which the majority travel in the absence of posted limits).
