
The most dangerous vehicle on the road

- They travel up to 30 mph yet make no noise to warn pedestrians
- They overtake up the inside of traffic, even cars with indicators on
- They frequently ignore red lights, especially at pedestrian crossings
- They run up kerbs onto the pavement at speed, scattering pedestrians
- They come on the road at night with no lights (illegally)
- They have no licence
- They have no insurance
- They are not subject to annual mechanical safety inspections 
- They pay no road tax
- They never get prosecuted no matter how stupid they are on the road

...and it's trendy to be in favour of them 'cos they're environmentally
greeny nicey things

It's time we had some legislation to control the more errant behaviour of
the two wheeled brigade, and enforced what little there is, for their own
safety and that of pedestrians. 

Like most readers of r.a.d I try to be considerate to cyclists while
driving and sensible while cycling, but just as much as there is a
small minority of irresponsible drivers, there is a hard core of rampant
two-wheeled hedonists who are a danger to themselves and everyone else. If
they drove a car like that they'd be fined, have their licence suspended,
etc. but doing it on two wheels seems to get you an extra merit badge from

Does anyone (without a pro-cycling bias) disagree?


P.S. For Edinburgh cyclists, the next bike to run the red light on a
pelican crossing that I'm trying to cross will get its spokes kicked in,
if not its rider :)

David Crooke, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
Janet dcc@ed.dcs  :  Internet dcc@dcs.ed.ac.uk  :  IP talk dcc@
JCMB Rm 1408, King's Bldgs, W. Mains Rd., Edinburgh EH9 3JZ. +44 131 650 5164
E.U. Motor Sport Club now on WWW - http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/misc/local/EUMSC/