
Re: Yesterday's accident in LA

Oliver Arnd Markwirth (oam0001@jove.acs.unt.edu) wrote:
> Any more icky stuff outta there?

Well my father owns a junkyard so over the years I've gotten to see
the remains of quite a few objects previously known as automobiles.

But, one sticks in my mind as being the worst.  About 15 years ago
a Honda Civic hit a toll island going down I-44 here in Virginia Beach.
Police figure it was going about 80mph and never hit the brakes,
there were no skid marks.  I remember looking at the remains, the
car literally broke up on impact into about 4 or 5 major peices.
It certainly didn't look much like a car anymore.  It was just a
few crumpled yellow peices of steel.  Bloodstains, torn clothing,
and a few shoes were in what was left of the interior.  There 
were 4 occupants, all killed on impact of course.


Dale Maurice            UNIX(tm) Systems Manager, Competitive Media Reporting
Virginia Beach, VA      dale@cmr.com, dale@infi.net

"Time is just one damn thing after another.."