
Comments from Mr. Traffic

For those of you who live in the Los Angeles area and have seen me on television or heard me on 
talkradio in my role as MR. TRAFFIC (or have been in my traffic school classes).....here is MY 
take on the repeal on the laws:

#1: Although the Senate & house WILL probably pass the bill, the administration has already 
indicated they are against it because of the increase in lives lost  (hey....they want to keep taxpayers 
alive as long as possible to pay and pay!)  Do they have any point?  Well.....I'm in a unique position 
to know what drivers REALLY do.....I speak to more people who get tickets than anyone else in 
California via my classes and media work, and in the areas where they raised the speed limit up to 
65 (in CA , there are 1704 miles of 65 roadway) the good news is that there hase NOT been an 
appreciable rise in fatalities.  Why? Because those roads here in CA are in "the boonies".  Whas 
HAS happened, is that in tose areas, the FLOW OF TRAFFIC is between 75-80.  This is the 
point....if the states reset their speeds to higher than 55, people WILL STILL take 
advantage.....people will STILL get tickets and the state will STILL make money!  Will more 
people die?  YEP!  In America, the #1 factor involved in auto fatalities is SPEED. (Strangely 
enough, the #1 cause of accidents here in CA is NOT speeding.....it's 
TAILGAITING....SPEEDING is #2).  SO.................raising the speed limit up to 65 will NOT 
affect anyone NOW getting tickets between 56 and 64...that hardly happens now.  It will only 

Here's MY solution:  Raise the speed limit up to 65 (hey, EVERYONE is doing it anyway and will 
NOT stop doing it!!!!).  Let people go 65 and NOT get penalized for it. BUT.......if you get caught 
going over 70.....minimum $250 fine!  

I wish this was like the Autobahn.  I LOVE going fast as much as anyone (my first 5 cars were 
Vettes).  But since the education of drivers SUCKS, and people think they own the road, and 
courtesy is a long lost thing. we NEED laws to protect us from others, and speed limits are the #1 
laws we need.  I know.....I'm the guy who hears the stories from the majority of drivers.....YOU 
just know what happens to you and your best friends!  I have learned from the majority....I pass it 
on to you

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic"
