
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <3uoi7c$32u@hustle.rahul.net>, Chuck Fry  <chucko@rahul.net> wrote:

>I also wish to point out that in your column of a few weeks ago, you
>repeated the tired old claim that "if we raise the limit, the people who
>are doing 10 to 15 over now would still be doing 10 to 15 over"
>(paraphasing, as I don't have the column in front of me).  Research by
>Tignor and Warren (that same paper the National Motorists Association is
>hyping so much these days), and others over the years, indicates this
>common assumption is FALSE; people drive at whatever speed they feel
>comfortable and safe, irrespective of the posted limits.

The abstract and findings of the paper can be found at 
"http://www.clark.net/pub/kevina/sl/sl-irrel.html".  I basiclly agree 
with the study however it the speed limit goes up to 70 or 75 I would 
predict that over the years speed will slitly go up but it would by no 
means go up to 80 - 90.  I rember seeing a study taken before the mandate 
that gave a good idea of the 85th percentile speed (it did't state it 
however) and it is estamited that the 85tyh perentile speed on no lmits 
roads is about "77" ad on 75 is about "75" ... on 60 is was about "70".
If I dig it up I will post it (it came from genie)

* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv., Maintainer of the Usenet Info Center *
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