
Re: Comments from Mr. Traffic

In article <3vmimo$2r3@news-e1a.megaweb.com> kennystar@megaweb.com (KENNY MORSE) writes:

>California is the capitol of so many sad auto stats, and once again Chuck,
>you must not say..."because I don't see it....it must not be happening."
>I see it....I hear it...and I'm sickened by it.  ONE death...ONE, is
>one too many (especially it is someone YOU love).  One person
>ending up like Chris Reeve is too much.

Geez, Kenny, could you say something rational for a change?  I'm not one to 
flame--usually--but the rampant emotionalism in your posts is getting 
downright annoying.

Christopher Reeve broke his neck *falling off a horse*.  What the blazes does 
this have to do with driving?  Sheesh.

Driving is dangerous.  We all know that.  The question is who should decide 
the risks that drivers take: the drivers themselves or an elite who believe 
they know better than anyone else.

It should be self-evident that when the vast majority are unwilling to obey a 
law, that law is wrong.  In a democracy, by definition there would be no such 
law.  There are few laws in America where the will of the people is so 
obvious, and the contempt the elite have for the people equally obvious, as 
our highway speed limits.

The elite say we must all be made lawbreakers to protect us from driving like 
crazy people.  Guess what, Kenny?  When the law continually insults drivers, 
when it makes nearly all of us lawbreakers, people start to go crazy.  You 
can't be insulted every time you go on the highway and not be affected by it.

This law-induced craziness is one of the things that makes highways dangerous.

One death is too many?  Want to bet there aren't a few people who have died 
precisely because our traffic laws have made people crazy?  There have.


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