
Re: Brain-Dead Road Engineering (was: driver's ed. is a joke)

>|> Of course in America we are blessed with such brain-dead engineering as 
>|> left-lane entrances and exits.  The left entrances are probably the worst.  
>|> Here you have a bunch of people **merging into what is normally regarded as 
>|> the fast lane!!!**  So you get all these people that would normally be 
>|> cruising by in the left lane at a higher speed doing their little non-signaled 

well, here in Los Angeles, everybody drives in left lane, even when
all other lanes are clear.  you gotta use right lane to pass.  so,
entrance in right lane seems to be a bad idea here. 8-)

' o/                                   |>
  |    .  o                            |            Seungho Cha, Ph.D.
  >\.                                ( | )          Computer Science
