

KENNY MORSE (kennystar@aol.com) wrote:
: For those of you who live in the Los Angeles 
area and have seen me on television or heard me on 
: talkradio in my role as MR. TRAFFIC (or have been in my 
traffic school classes).....here is MY 
: take on the repeal on the laws:


: Will more
: people die?  YEP!  In America, the #1 
: factor involved in auto fatalities is SPEED.

Funny, according to my sources, SPEED as  a number isnt responsible,
but the differences in speed between vehicles. (R&T)

ie: I'm doing 10 over, your doing 30 over. I overtake and pass
vehicles doing the 'limit' at a reasonable pace, giving those ahead
time to see me coming and to know I'm there. This also gives me time
to read the traffic and help avoid the more obvious situations.

You zip up on vehicles. They do a mirror check and your either a good
distance behind, or not seen. They take a breath, change lanes, and
Pow, impact. Just one scenario. Many more possible.

To loosley quote an article, "You can drive at light speed untill your
old, just as long as you dont hit anything."

Thats the key. Learning how Not to hit things. Learning how to keep a
heads up attitude, the personal limits of the operator, vehicle
limits, and learning how to read the limits imposed by the road and

New drivers cant learn this in a 3 month driving class, and they are
not inclined to as the testing in most states is Too easy. Advanced
drivers schools are available, but not compulsive. The people in these
classes realize more knowledge is needed, and they pay $1200 +++++ to
learn. Cant say this about a new driver. They just want to drive.

Instructors try, but because of time limits,necessary material is
reduced to fit. Not mentioning the misinformation spread by schools,

To say speed kills is a simplistic answer doled out by those to make
their jobs easier, and to appeal to the dim who seek simple solutions. 

: Here's MY solution:  Raise the speed 
limit up to 65 (hey, EVERYONE is doing it anyway and will 
: NOT stop doing it!!!!).  Let people go 65 and 
NOT get penalized for it. BUT.......if you get caught 
: going over 70.....minimum $250 fine!  

And this will reduce "avoidable incidence" below 65? 

And people will be just as ill-equiped when, doing 'the limit', they
crest a hill or round a corner and find Grand Ma or Pa in 
the 'middle' lane doing 35.

: Vettes).  But since the education of drivers SUCKS, 
and people think they own the road, and 
: courtesy is a long lost thing. we NEED 
laws to protect us from others, and speed limits are the #1 
: laws we need.

Oh yes, Laws are the invisible shield keeping bad things from
happening to good people. (Hey, You doing 50 over, I got my law here,
you cant hurt me, Nya Nya Nyaaaa! Hit your brakes, woops, they faded,
turn the wheels! Too much! Your gonna crash, Your Gonna CRA...)

Laws are like Rubbers, When you discover they didnt work, it's too late.

  I know.....I'm the guy who hears the stories from 
the majority of drivers.....YOU 
: just know what happens to you and your best friends!  

You want GOOD stories? Visit a motorcycle group. Some real good
stories about no-brainer screw ups.
I have learned from the majority....I pass it 
: on to you

Pass along the stories, Keep your stats to yourself.



Safe Passage.