
Re: Proposed Government Driving Restrictions!

In article <gokturk-1907951238440001@>,
Mehmet Gokturk <gokturk@seas.gwu.edu> wrote:

>I think people here in United states does not have the privilege of 
>consuming more than a sufficient gas on 8 cylinder jeeps. For safety concerns
>cars like german cars are safe enough. If more safety is desired
>i think it's too much.

People should be able to drive the vehicle of their choice, no matter how 
much or little gas it consumes, provided they can do so within their means.

>Europe, for years, has been driving cars with engines less than 2.0L.
>(Mostly 1.6 or 1.4)
>I think it's time to adjust american standards too. 
>16MPG jeep and 40MPG tercel performs well under intelligent driver and safe
>enough. 40MPG one can carry your body as 16MPG does. So why 16MPG?

Because the 40mpg cars are typically noisy, underpowered, cramped, and 
give a harsh ride.

I drive a car that gets around 19mpg in combined city and highway 
driving, but in return I get a roomy car with a quiet and smooth ride 
with the nice feature of being able to put the air conditioner on and 
move at the same time with no noticable power loss.

It is also a much safer car, but that is an aside, as I tend to agree 
with your assertion about safety and the intelligent motorist.  It's the 
guy in the next lane over I'm worried about!

>Kids are crying from the starvation, from injuries of wars. Why should
>we keep thinking of Horsepower,V8, Safety std., AC .. Do we deserve..?

To that end, why induldge in the luxury of having a color TV or a nice 
house, or any other material item that is anything more than utilitarian 
and spartan?  It's our money.  We should be able to spend it as we see fit.
Larry Rubin               larry@access.digex.net
N3QGH                     +1-500-OSSUARY
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons."
