
Re: Proposed Government Driving Restrictions!

I'd be in favour of a far simpler system: rather than introduce a host
of fussy regulations and user-fees, just raise the tax on gas - with a
corresponding reduction in income tax. This would give taxpayers and 
drivers a choice: drive an efficient car and pay less tax, or drive a 
big car and pay more.

Of course, raising tax on gas would increase the costs of transporting
food and other things by road, but most consumers would end up paying
less income tax, so they wouldn't necessarily be out of pocket.

As for traffic congestion, raising tax on gas wouldn't directly unclog
the Beltway - there be lots of small cars instead of lots of big cars.
But it'd encourage people to use cheaper forms of transport, e.g.,
car pools, Metro, trains, which might lead to an indirect reduction in

Charles Day
