
Re: Proposed Government Driving Restrictions!

tdarcos@access2.digex.net (Paul Robinson) wrote:

>I don't think making automobiles lighter and less crash resistant, in 
>order to reduce fuel consumption, resulting in more serious injuries (who 
>is likely to be injured worse, someone in a car with lighter (thus less 
>resisting) body panels or one with heavier ones (more resisting)?), or 
>higher numbers of deaths, is "mild disincentives".
>A higher chance of death or injury or more serious injury is hardly "mild".

So the logical conclusion is that we all drive tanks.

In fact, car manufacturers have made cars lighter, more fuel efficient _and_ 
more crashworthy. These trends will continue with better CAFE standards, 
watchful safety regulations and continuing technological advances.

opinions are mine, not necessarily my employer's
