
Re: Government Driving Restrictions

In article <3up0ge$23m@gap.cco.caltech.edu>
bryan@yanomamo.scp.caltech.edu (Bryan Chow) writes:

> In article <3uofat$1c78@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com>,
> James Baxter <BYBL43A@prodigy.com> wrote:
> >Those of us who drive cars subsidize those who ride buses so much that if 
> >that subsidy was cut off, the buses would go out of business.  What's 
> >fair about that?
> Because by driving we contribute more to pollution and medical expenses
> which people who ride buses have to subsidize too.

If you own and use your car, you pay plenty for any emission load you
put on others. You, as a car owner/user may indeed be in a situation
that some of your accident-related medical expenses are paid for by
public funds, but exactly this is an excellent argument for government
to get out of health care. As car owners/users we should and we can
take care of ourselves.

Subsidizing users of public transportation with other peoples money
cannot be justified. It's still stealing, and you and I would go to
jail for doing it.

Janos Dohanics
National Motorists Association
Pennsylvania State Chapter Coordinator

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