
Re: A Left Lane Laggard Wants to Know

ziggy29@rahul.net (Tim Irvin) writes:
>Corey Alambar (corwyn) wrote:
>: It is a
>: point people, especially out here on the West Coast seem to miss:  The left
>: lane is NOT a through lane, but merely a passing lane.  Those here in
>: California would do well to learn from Oregon, which has actual signs detailing
>: etiquette and lane usage.

>This is true, but California traffic tnds to be heavier.  Driving in the right
>lane on an urban California freeway is very difficult; there is so much 
>traffic merging on to and getting off the road that you must constantly 
>brake and accelerate, brake and accelerate...

Well I agree with the above on say three lane highways/expressways
around here in the BA(one lane being the dreaded carpool lane -- strategically
placed as the rightmost lanes at times). However on big 4 lane freeways,
(101 & I-280 here in the BA come to mind) I find it quite irritable
to find traffic doing EXACTLY the same speed across all four lanes
(with plenty of open road ahead). It's amazing to see all the faster cars
pile up behind the moving roadblock and yet not one of the ignorant
drivers wants to move over and let faster traffic go by. This causes the
more aggressive drivers to cut across 4 lanes of traffic, cut people off, pass on the right,
and then swerve all the way across back to the left. Then the ensuing
rush of other hey!-that-driver-made-it-by-passing-on-the-right-so-can-I!
drivers go for it too.

- Jeffrey

* HKS * Lightspeed * Neuspeed * Tokico * Dunlop * Racing Sparco *
|    1993 Honda Integra "1ABGSR" No Vtrick 15.8s @ 82 mph       |
|   jhosee@oboe.aix.calpoly.edu hosee@minerva.robadome.com      |
*  K & N * Levoc * Razo * Momo * Alpine * Hondasport *  EuroX   *

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