

Kenny Morse (Mr. Traffic) wrote:

>This anti cop/government stance is a self-defeating attitude.  We
>the police for doing the job we pay them to do....see people breaking the
>law, and cite them to deter them.  THEY didn't make the laws!! We get
>pissed off at THEM when we get CAUGHT!  Then we expect THEM
>to come running when we dial 9-1-1????  Sorry. Doesn't work like that.
>They're human beings too, and when they feel that the public doesn't 
>support them because they're pissed off at getting caught....it's

I have been complimented by CHP for being courteous while they give me
tickets, and I don't get pissed off at them when they catch me (except
when they lie about it, which is fairly common).  I am, however, pissed
off about the stupid speed law.

>I reject this argument that many people have been posting, that the
>for the SPEED LAWS is the foundation of lawbreaking on the road.  It is
>a factor.....it's not the main one. There is NO entrapment here
>to breaking the law.  Its done quite willingly.  Its unnecessary if
>will plan their time better.  Not gonna happen. 

Planning your time better like living close to where you work, for
instance?  Like some people don't want or can't afford?  You ought to be
able to understand that when people are jerked around by silly speed
limits, they do lose respect for the law and tend to disregard speed
limits as a guide for safe driving.  When someone sees the same speed
limit on remote stretches of 101 between Salinas and Paso Robles as there
are going through Prunedale, it is OBVIOUS that the limits are not set for
safety.  Ever driven down a road riddled with driveways, blind turns and
crossroads with a 55 mph speed limit?  Limited access freeways in suburban
areas have the same limits.  101 going by San Juan Bautista has the same
speed limit as 156 going through San Juan.  

>I hope there will be a saner speeding law coming down the pike, so as to
>at least put THIS canard to rest.
