
Re: Video speed traps a hoax

dannyb@panix.com (danny burstein)  wrote on 02.08.95 in <3vp7km$d8t@panix4.panix.com>:

>    NOTE: This required specific legislation in NY State since you
> couldn't identify the driver. Hence the owner gets the citation. It's a
> fine, but unlike witnessed moving violations, it does not put "points"
> on your driver's licence.

Same over here. I believe the law says that you (as the holder) either  
point to the driver, who then gets everything including points, or you  
don't, in which case you pay but no points.

>    Ayway, while the gendarmes and the insurance companies love this
> stuff, it is -very- rare for it to actually get installed. Why?

Not so over here. It's usually installed by the cities which love a little  
pocket money.

>   Oh, if you want to see something fascinating: On the far side of the
> pond, the UK has installed video cameras with radar -and- pattern
> recogintion. When you pass one of these setups, a sign flashes saying
> "xxy-zzy, you're doing 120 km". That's right, the camera et al deciphers
> your plate.


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