
Re: Kevin's posts

>Also, let me construct a situation here. Let's say that you assert that
>the majority of drivers on a particular stretch of highway with a 40
>mph speed limit are driving at 47 mph, something you believe from
>a combination of your own experience, talking with others who drive
>that stretch of road, and a comparison of the speeding tickets of those
>who've received them on this stretch. Now say that you received a 
>$200,000 grant from a private donor to sit in the bushes for a year
>with a radar gun measuring everybody's speed. The majority of drivers
>are measured as driving 42 mph. What is your reaction to this? Pick one.

I think that's obvious. Someone sitting in the bushes for a year who
got the result YOU suggested.  You bet. Absolutely. I'd buy it.
I only wish the studies done and suggested on this board were
like THAT.>
>Also, do you have any faith at all in science or the scientific method?
>Have you ever taken any science classes? Are all scientists full of
>it, or only ones that do traffic studies?

Adam, you raise good points, but as I type this, I am watching
a statistician on the stand at OJ trial trying to tell the jury that 
the stats conclude that the evidence against him are probably flawed.
I believe studies that are formulated in the example YOU gave.
The fer shers.  As I say, the ones I've seen....nope.
Thanks for the post. I know you are sometimes tempted
to get "flamy". Thanks for resisting.

Kenny Morse
"Mr. Traffic" responding to
>Adam Villani


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