
Re: going through parking lot to avoid traffic light?

abykov@lipari.usc.edu (Alexander Bykov) wrote:

>when I come back home from work there is a traffic light on which I
>need to make the right turn.
>It would be no problem since I do not have to wait for the green
>light; however, the traffic there is always backed up and I can never
>make that right turn before the light changes to green.
>However, there is a parking lot there through which I usually make it
>around the corner to avoid the waiting(which sometimes can be rather
>I wonder if this is legal(actually, I am more concerned if cops ever
>give tickets for that:) )
>Alex Bykov abykov@pollux.usc.edu

Someone had told me that there was some kinda vehicle code concerning
this, under the guise of _avoiding a traffic control device_, or
something to that effect, although if there were such a law, one could
get around it if pulled over for that by saying that one intended to
go through said lot (or gas station-another traffic light shortcut)
but changed his/her mind midway through...anyways, is there such a

Tony Oh, aka The Tonester
tony@naig.com      (work-email sent here answered
                    M-F 12pm-8:30pm)
tdoh@ix.netcom.com (play-email sent here answered
                    mornings before 11am and weekends)
