
Re: traffic lights

In article <46mcg8$4e1@netnews.upenn.edu> george@mech.seas.upenn.edu ( George Jefferson ) writes:
>From: george@mech.seas.upenn.edu ( George Jefferson )
>Subject: Re: traffic lights
>Date: 25 Oct 1995 22:08:08 GMT

>:In Cleveland, almost all traffic lights flash yellow for the main street
>:and red for the side street after about midnight.  The flashing yellow
>:generally means "watch the intersection for crossing traffic" and the 
>:flashing red is basically a stop sign.  Where two main streets cross, I 
>:believe the lights flash yellow for both directions.
>                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>really, I'd think that would be mighty dangerous.

>By the way, we have one intersection where on 'off' hours it
>goes to flashing red (stop) on the side street and flashing *green*
>for the main road.  There is actually a sign there explaining
>what the flashing green means.  Pretty much the same as a flashing
>yellow as far as I can tell.

Flashing green is used in Canada (the same way as flashing yellow is 
used in the US), but that's the first time I've heard of flashing green in the 
US.  Is Pennsylvania the only state that does this?

Woodinville, Washington USA

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