
Re: traffic lights

In article <DGvJx4.EHw@news.uwindsor.ca> szymcza@uwindsor.ca (Adam Szymczak) writes:
$Just use the pedestrian crossing lights as an indicator, if they are 
$available. Usually, they start flashing yellow indicating that the 
$traffic light will turning to Yellow then Red.

   Except that at least around here, they've been screwing around with
those, too, so that they don't start flashing "Don't Walk" until
the same time the light turns yellow.  I pity the less mobile
pedestrians who, say, get halfway across a four-lane street only
to find that the light is changing and they can't reach _either_
side in the time before they are to be run over by traffic on a
green the other way.

   Really, it should stop saying "Walk" long enough in advance that
those with limited mobility could either reach the other side, the
median, or turn around and get back to the side from which
they started before cross traffic gets its green light.  I think,
actually, that it used to be done something like that; certainly,
I remember that lights used to flash "Don't Walk" for a while _before_
the traffic lights turned yellow.  But I guess this was sacrificed
due to some study or other.
/  Hi Ho Silver, who likes the idea of having  \  __________________________
\  SNTF and large h00ters in the same package   \/   silver@bokonon.UUCP    \
 \______________________________________________/ ...{!uunet}!bokonon!silver \
