
Re: traffic lights

:Have you driven through Santa Monica, California lately? I don't know
:if the lights are sensor controlled, but from my experience it's
:almost impossible to drive more than one block at a time without
: hitting a red light.

Portland OR had az schmucky mayor for a while (Neil Goldschmidt) who had the 
traffic control folks knock all the signals off-synch on the major commuter 
routes.  His reasoning was to get folks out of their no-longer-convenient cars 
and into public transit where the good government people said they belonged.

A fellow in Beaverton was selling home-built signal changers.  These gadgets 
used by fire and "law enforcement" personnel, change signals to green.  This 
lets the fire trucks and ambulances get to the disasters faster, and officer 
friendly to the donut stand faster.  He home-brewed these little honeys and 
sold them to whomever had 200-some-odd bucks.  

Interestingly enough, most of the cops who knew he was making these were 
amused by the whole thing, some even buying them for their personal cars.  

Needless to say, some goody-good on the city council whined...

  Kodiak Services Company - Energy Reduction Audits - Lighting Designs for
  Commercial, Industrial, Government Properties.  We do our work ANYWHERE.
   EPA Green Lights Surveyor Ally. Call David "Bear" Mann (503) 240-1831
 FAX (503) 289-7384   Internet: jacobus@teleport.com -or- FurFaceDJM@aol.com
