
Re: Speed Kills?

In article <480d3t$l7b@borg.svpal.org>, jennett@svpal.svpal.org (Rex Jennett) writes:
|> NMA [Bob M] (nma@genie.geis.com) wrote:
|> : There's a 
|> : little-known phenomena that happens when you raise speed limits - the 
|> : low-speed drivers speed up and the high-speed people slow down.  
|> Really? Any idea why the high-speed drivers slow down when you raise the 
|> limits?

My guess, from people I've talked with (certainly not from personal
experience ;-), is that some drivers move to the fast lane to avoid the
slow drivers.  Then being in the fast lane, they feel obliged to drive
the prevailing rate (to avoid being severely tailgated).  If they didn't
have to avoid slow drivers, they wouldn't feel the need to move into the
fast lane.


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