
Rude / Stupid Drivers

Some drivers are so rude and/or stupid that they will:

* Pass on the right in a lane that is about to end in a forced
  merge and with a "DO NOT PASS" sign posted.
* Refuse to let slower traffic move right to let them pass on
  the left.  They usually try to pass on the right, only to
  find out that the car in front of them is still in front of
  them, so they get mad at the driver in front for doing the
  polite thing.  They probably help cause left lane hogging
  by making it pointless for slower traffic to keep right.
* Refuse to turnout on two lane roads where it is unsafe or
  illegal to pass.
* Tailgate, especially (a) in the right lane, (b) when there
  are open lanes on the left to pass in, (c) when there is no
  way for them or the car in front of them to go any faster,
  or (d) on two lane roads (tailgating makes it harder to use
  turnouts since many turnouts show up without a lot of warning,
  requiring quicker stops than would be safe if someone is
* Intentionally close a large gap when someone in the next
  lane signals intent to change into the lane.  This discourages
  signaling lane changes in advance.

Perhaps traffic congestion problems would be solved simply by
requiring that people be able to drive politely and safely
before they get their licenses.  That would probably remove a
large percentage of drivers.

Timothy J. Lee                                        timlee@netcom.com
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