
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <3pu04u$6p1@ludes.com>, Mark Spencer <marks@ludes.com> wrote:
>        Since there is no place in the US where 65 mph can be legally

Try the race track.

>I don't see why cars are being sold that can go faster than this.
>Especially with speedometers that read well over 100 mph, enticing drivers
>to drive at dangerous speeds.

"Dangerous speeds" seems to be your opinion, not mine.

>        Cars are already being sold with speed limiters to keep from
>exceeding the limits of the tires and suspension. Why aren't cars sold with
>speed limiters at 65 mph to keep from exceeding the limits of the law?

There ARE places where you can drive over 65 MPH, see my previous answers.

>The majority of all accidents are due to speed. Thosands of lives would
>be saved every year if cars were unable to exceed a safe speed.

I thought it was drunk driving?  Maybe not, but why not ban alcohol while
we're at it so that people won't be enticed to drink and drive?

>        What is wrong with our government that they would ignore such a
>simple way to enforce a law and save lives?

Yeah, the our government sucks.  I say ban guns too, I mean it would
save lives if nobody had access to guns, right?  Also, while we're at
it, why don't we ban alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods (McDonalds would
be run out of buisness, of course!), bungee jumping, and couch
potatoes as well!

BTW, for the sarcasm impaird:  ;)

