
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

marks@ludes.com (Mark Spencer) wrote:
>         Since there is no place in the US where 65 mph can be legally
> exceeded, I don't see why cars are being sold that can go faster than this.
> Especially with speedometers that read well over 100 mph, enticing drivers
> to drive at dangerous speeds.

Only on public roads... Forgot about race tracks, drag strips.
>         Cars are already being sold with speed limiters to keep from
> exceeding the limits of the tires and suspension. Why aren't cars sold with
> speed limiters at 65 mph to keep from exceeding the limits of the law? The
> majority of all accidents are due to speed. Thosands of lives would be saved
> every year if cars were unable to exceed a safe speed.

What is defined as a safe speed ? Is it defined by those who are 
unable to balance the nation's checkbook inside the beltway like
Fedrico Pena, who BTW, caused Denver's new airport to go into
excessive cost overruns and increased the cost to fly through
there as well. I rented a Ford Thunderbird witha V-8 and drove 
it at 90 and thought it was safe.
>         What is wrong with our government that they would ignore such a
> simple way to enforce a law and save lives?
The gov't has no business being there in the first place in such
areas as the National Speed Limit. The last time we heard this
babble was during the Carter years when Joan Clybrook of NHSTA
tried to get speed governors on cars (cannot drive faster
then 58 mph), ban the production of cruise controls that worked
beyond 58 mph. Those proposals did not make it far but the porposal
for speedometers cannot display any speed beyond 85 mph made it but
got repealed under Reagan.

A lot of Americans do not want to go back to a paternalistic
gov't that we had like under Jimmy Carter and in fact want to
have paternilistic laws repeal like federal speed limits.

