
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

William P. Milam (milam@fmsrlu.srl.ford.com) wrote:
: In message <4871qv$esm@hustle.rahul.net> - Rahul Dhesi <dhesi@rahul.net> writes
: :
: :>
: :>In <3pu04u$6p1@ludes.com> marks@ludes.com (Mark Spencer) writes:
: :>
: :>>The
: :>>majority of all accidents are due to speed.
: :>
: :>Evidence, please.
: I concur! What evidence is there? I hear a lot of noise about deaths declining
: after the 55 limit was passed in the 70's...unfortunatley this statement
: ignores the fact that:

Okay.  The latest AutoWeek or Car & Driver printed findings released by the
Florida State Highway Patrol (or some such).  The percentage of fatal collisions
caused by speeding in Florida since 1990 was some ridiculously low number like 6%.
I'll try to find the actual article.

-- Gerald
