
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

>>>>> "John" == John Paramore <wizprodj@eskimo.com> writes:

    John> Friends in the State Patrol and RCMP tell me that they
    John> target speeders more because most are highly focused, paying
    John> attention to the road ahead, and are much easier to slip up
    John> on.

Now I wouldn't think that the above is true, unless you're referring
to the idiotic sub-breed of speeders.  Part of being a good driver is
being aware of the cars around you, and that includes looking in your
rear-view mirror from time to time.  I usually know when someone is
coming up behind me quickly, especially if it's a cop!  Which is
another point: smart speeders are always on the lookoup for cops.  I
guess the bottom line is that there are lots of dumb speeders...

