
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars!

In article <48ftu3$577@usenet.srv.cis.pitt.edu>,
Randy Morobitto  <rjm+@pitt.edu> wrote:
>>I live in Scotland, and I'd be interested to find out about the limits in the states
>>as I don't have any idea...
>Until a few months ago, our federal speed limit was 55 (hell of a long
>temporary limit, eh?)...  Recently, our new gov't saw fit to allow a
>speed limit of 65mph, and if what I saw in a national newspaper was
>correct, we may get to see 70!

You're mixing up state and federal regulations. The feds mandated 55 from
the 70s until a few years ago, when they upped the limit to 65 on rural
interstates. Some states didn't go for that, though, and kept it at 55.
Now there is a bill in Congress to repeal the national limits and return
it to the states.
