
Re: Solve speeding by limiting cars! NOT!

In <48d2el$peo@hippo.shef.ac.uk> A.C.Pugh@shef.ac.uk (Andy the Pugh)
>In article
Scott Sigethy <sds@acpub.duke.edu> says:
>>In OK, SD, MO, TX, and CA, the speed limit will be raised to 70 mph
>>in Wyo., Nev, and Kansas, the new limit will be 75 mph.
>>In Montana, there will be NO SPEED LIMIT!
>>Personally I am looking forward to driving through Montana if this
>I just hope the Montana authorities have the common sense to
>overlook the probable iniriall rash of accidents as foolish people
>from neighbouring states bring their cars in to see what they will
>do, then find that what they will do is seize or break in some 
>unfortunate and unrecoverable manner. :-(
Montana has effectively had no limit even while the NMSL was in effect.
When you get stopped in MT you get a ticket for wasting fuel or
something.  There's not really a whole lot to run into if you crash on
the Interstates in MT, so who cares if some dumbshit crashes and kills
himself because he exceeded the limits of his skill and his vehicle?  I
won't lose any sleep over it-that's one less moron on the road to cut
me off.

84 Jetta 2.0 16V

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