Refracta-8.0 has arrived. It's been a long haul on this release. When we started on this one, jessie was in testing, and we were still using Debian. Devuan didn't even exist at that time. Debian made systemd the default, and we soon learned of the difficulties raised by avoiding it. At first, we had to do some serious configuration gymnastics to get it to work. Then along came Devuan, and when it looked like it was mature enough, we switched our base from Debian to Devuan. My thanks go to everyone who helped in any way. All the members of the refracta team, people who contributed code, suggestions, criticisms and encouragement were all essential in making this happen. The amd64 build is finished, and the i386 build has been updated with newer versions of tools and some fixes, especially the multi-language support. Downloads: fsmithred Oct. 14, 2016