rec.gardens.ecosystems homepage -> archive: MOD$990307.2295@rec.gardens.ecosystems

Subject: Re: organic fertilizer
From: Dan Eskelson <>
Organization: NetLink, Inc.
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 99 14:05:13
Message-ID: <MOD$990307.2295@rec.gardens.ecosystems>
References: <MOD$990307.28299@rec.gardens.ecosystems>

SlvrMoon2 wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a question about which organic fertilizers have been successful for
> people? I usually use compost, and fish/seaweed emulsion, and little else. I
> would like to improve my yield in the vegetable garden, by fertilizing more
> than this, and I do want to use either a single product, or mix my own. If
> anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> Jane


You are certainly on the right track as far as fertility goes...your choice of
materials is a good maximize fertility you should be scientific and
perform a thorough soil analysis. Check with Integrated Fertility Management at
Links page below or call 800 332-3179.

Dan Eskelson
Clearwater Landscapes, Inc.
Priest River, Idaho