1997 SLA News Division Program

SATURDAY, June 7th

5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

News Division Open House at the Seattle Times. Drop in before or after dinner and see the News Library, Intranet, CD-ROM network and more. Depending on the size of the group, we'll have hands-on demonstrations for people.

Seattle coffeehouse coffee and baked goods will be served.

Where: At the corner of Fairview and John streets, 9 blocks from the Westin.

Directions: From the Westin, follow Virginia Street east -- it turns into Fairview, where the Times is located.

RSVP: So that we can estimate the size of the group, if you plan to come please E-mail Tom Boyer (tboy-new@seatimes.com) or Cathy Donaldson (cdon-new@seatimes.com) at t he Times, or call 206-464-2307.

SUNDAY, June 8th

9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

News Division CE Course
Internet to Intranet: What News Librarians Need to Know

The morning session will focus on the Internet with Nora Paul, Teresa Kiely and D. Scott Brown teaming together. They will show attendees how to evaluate Internet resources through analysis, comparison and testing and how to recognize sites that are cred ible, reliable and factual. They will offer practical advice on what approaches and styles work when training journalists in using the Internet, how to find story ideas through newsgroups, how to find experts and people to interview, downloading data for analysis, search engines and listservs.

The afternoon session will focus on the Intranet with Sperry Krueger, Michael Jesse and Pete Basofin teaming together. Attendees will learn what is involved in creating an Intranet of useful resources used by journalists. Basic and practical information will be shared by the three panelists on how to develop internal networks.

News Division Education Chair: Ron Larson, Madison (WI) State Journal

4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

1996/97 News Division Board Meeting
News Division Suite, Westin Hotel

6:00 p.m. to ?

News Division Open House
News Division Suite, Westin Hotel
Welcome Newcomers Night

All News Division first timers to the conference - please come to this special night of welcome to meet some of the people who have been to the annual conference at least once before. This can be a great place to get some dinner/lunch/breakfast plans made for the upcoming days. Or just get your bearings. And you can always count on the News Librarians to be having a good time!

All News Division members, please come to welcome the newcomers. Sunday's open house is hosted by NewsBank.

Coordinated by Lovelle Svart, Portland Oregonian

MONDAY, June 9th

7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.

News Division Annual Business Meeting.

Lexis-Nexis is providing a continental breakfast.

Location: Westin Hotel -- Fifth Avenue Room (Check Final Program for last minute changes)

9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

General Session
Bill Gates keynote speaker.

10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

Image and Art Databases
(with the Museum, Art and Humanities division)

Opportunities for Change: What opportunities are now available to us as a result of changing imaging software? Switching to a more user-friendly system means that we spend less time with routine requests. This frees us to work on more involved projects and to devote time to editing our database. We thus are able to provide an improved product for our clients to search.

Panelists: Mildred Simpson, Los Angeles Times: James Barker, Case Western University

Location: Convention Center, Room 611-612

1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Getting Systems Support: Speak Their Language or Do-It-Yourself

To maintain their informational and competitive edge, news libraries depend on the latest technology from workstations to networking and telecommunications. In many news organizations, libraries compete for systems resources with the production and editor ial departments which have their own compelling needs for systems support. We'll discuss strategies for getting the support you need by being able to speak their language, by taking things into your own hands, and by making ef fective use of your outside system contacts.

Panelists: Elizabeth Durso, Manager of Customer Support, MediaStream; Carolyn Edds, News Researcher/Librarian, Spartanburg (SC) Herald-Journal and Webmeistress, SLA News Division web site; Tom Boyer, Database Editor , The Seattle Times; John Sinclair, Chief Librarian, Edmonton Sun.

Moderator: Tom Boyer, The Seattle Times

Location: Convention Center, Room 611-612

3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Information Stores: How to Write a Business Plan and Build a Profit Center

Trying to decide whether or not to launch and information store? Looking for successful products? Want some tips on how to staff it? How to market it? Make money? This panel will discuss what has worked for them, and what failed. They'll talk about obs tacles and surprises. You'll have actual products to examine and "store managers" to question

Panelists: Lisa LoVullo, Director, Electronic News and Information Services, The Baltimore Sun; Denise Jones, Manager, PiSysIQ, News and Observer Publishing Co., Raleigh, NC; Tim Rozgonyi, Director of Information Services, Pittsburgh Post-Gazett e

Moderator: Sharon Clairemont, Director of News Research, The Orange County Register

Location: Convention Center, Room 611-612

4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Freedom Forum's International Special Library program

The Freedom Forum SLA 1996 International Library Program participants Barbara Semonche and Margot Williams discuss their experiences developing Internet training programs in Freedom Forum news libraries in Romania, Poland, Hong Kong and the Philippines. Share their experiences and learn more about the 1997 program.

Moderator: Phyllis Lyons, The Freedom Forum

Location: Washington State Convention Center Room 611-612 (confirm location in final program)

6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

News Division Reception and Awards Dinner

This always popular event will be held at the Columbia Tower Club, located on the top floor of the Columbia Tower, 705 Fifth Avenue. The sky-high Columbia Tower Club is a posh and prestigious private club with the "best view in the West." Banquet seating is limited so tickets should be purchased as soon as possible. They are usually not available at conference.

Dinner is preceded by a cocktail reception hosted by UMI.

Cost of this event: $60.00

Moderator: Charlie Campo, Bangor Daily News.

9:00 p.m. to ?

News Division Open House
News Division Suite, Westin Hotel

TUESDAY, June 10th

7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.

Serving Remote Bureaus and Reporters.

Join us for breakfast as we look at the technologies news libraries use and the best information resources to serve reporters and editors based away from headquarters.

Moderator: Barbara Vandegrift, National Press Club

Cost of this event is $10 for a continental breakfast. Knight-Ridder Information--Dialog unit is underwriting some of the cost for this event. Seating will be available for those who do not wish to purchase breakfast.

Location: Westin Hotel -- Fifth Avenue Room (check Final Program for last minute changes)

Noon to 1:15 p.m.

Annual News Division luncheon

David Rapp, Congressional Quarterly Executive Editor will speak on "Famine to Feast: Searching for Washington, D.C. in the Information Age: How libraries and their specialized patrons will use technology, intelligence and personal preferences in the 21s t Century.

Sponsored by Congressional Quarterly.

Location: Westin Hotel, Fifth Avenue Room

1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Library Researchers in the Newsroom

Newsroom researchers charged with becoming an integral part of the newsroom environment are faced with a variety of challenges. Hear from those who have been in the center of the storm - what has worked and what has not.

Speakers: Catherine Donaldson, Seattle Times, Elisabeth Donovan, Miami Herald; Margot Williams, Washington Post

Moderator: Jacquelyn Cenacveira, Los Angeles Times

Location: Convention Center 618, 619, 620

3:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.

Expanding the horizon of the News Library to Corporate and New Media clientele.

It doesn't seem long ago since we made the leap from newspaper "morgues" to news research centers. Full partnership with reporters and editors on the generation of daily news and investigative stories has become the standard.

Despite such progress, a pervasive church and state mentality inhibits further evolution. These presentations focus on the efforts of three papers that are breaking down longstanding cultural barriers. Expanding services to the business side offers new c hallenges, opportunities and rewards.

"Innovation Through Reorganization; The Information Department at the San Jose Mercury News"-- Gary Lance, Research Library Manager, San Jose Mercury News.

Panelists: Paula Stevens, Arizona Republic; Gary Lance, San Jose Mercury News; Lisa LoVullo, The Baltimore Sun,

Moderator: Lisa LoVullo, The Baltimore Sun

Location: Convention Center, Room 618, 619, 620

4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Digitizing Clip Files and Other Research Documents

Paper clipping files and other print documents can decay with age, get lost and can only be used by one person at a time. Our panel will consider a digitizing project from the intial step of justifying the expense to management and guide your through a t ypical capital request process. You’ll follow the chronology of a completed digitization project and learn about some problems and decisions to anticipate. Also one solution will be discussed in detail including the use of a fuzzy logic search engine to maximize retrieval of scanned images.

Panelists: Judy Grimsley. Orlando Sentinel; Patrick Jones. Progressive Technology Federal Systems, Inc. (PTFS, Inc.).

Moderator: Sandy Levy, The Baltimore Sun

Location: Convention Center,

6:00 p.m. to ?

News Division Open House News Division Suite, Westin Hotel

Sponsored by Knight-Ridder Information -- Dialog and MediaStream units

WEDNESDAY, June 11th

7:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m.

Video & Audio Archiving

Speakers Jim Wheeler, independent consultant and world renowned authority on archiving and preserving tapes, and Nancy Hiegel, ABC News. Jim Wheeler invented the instant replay and won an Emmy for that accomplishment.

Nancy will descibe the operation of a professional tape archive, what kind of tape does the archive get, how do they decide what to keep, how do they catalog it so that they can find it again, how long do they keep it, how do they make money with it?

Jim will talk about the special conditions in which tape must be archived, keeping master copies, analog vs digital storage, the life expectancy of tape (it's short), good and bad archival practices.

Dow Jones & Co. is hosting this event which includes a continental breakfast.

Location: Westin Hotel -- Fifth Avenue Room (check Final Program for last minute changes)

11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

Computer Assisted Reporting

Take a look at ways in which the news library can play a role in their organization's computer-assisted reporting efforts. This session will focus on getting away from the turf battles and attitudes that have hampered what should be a natural partnership and will present three different approaches that work.

Speakers: Connie Pickett, Philadelphia Inquirer; Chris Hardesty, The Raleigh News & Observer; Jennifer Belton, Washington Post; Teresa Leonard, Raleigh News and Observer

Moderator: Teresa Leonard, The News & Observer

Location: Convention Center, Room 608, 609

1:00 p.m. to 4: 00 p.m.

Best of the Web

The Business & Finance division is sponsoring this program. The first half-hour is devoted to news and current events sites.

Speaker: John Marcus, U.S. Robotics

Location: Convention Center, Room 6A

2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Getting your archives on the Web

Join a panel of librarians involved in moving their newspapers' electronic archives to the web as they outline the process, review available options, compare approaches and share reports from the front on pricing, payment methods, marketing strategies and customer support.

Speakers: Virginia Everett, Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Jody Habayeb, Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette Moderator: Dorothy Ingebretsen, The Los Angeles Times

Knight-Ridder Information, Inc. -- MediaStream is underwriting the cost of this program.

Location: Convention Center, Room 608, 609

THURSDAY, June 11th

8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Field Trip to Microsoft

Board buses at the Washington State Convention center at 8:30 a.m. for the short ride to the Redmond campus of Microsoft. We'll begin the day with Merrill Brown, editor-in-chief of MSNBC on the Internet, the new online/television network, who will expla in the challenges of covering news in this new hybrid medium. Then we'll learn from editorial staff about how online stories are developed using original content, newswires, NBC feeds, and other sources before being posted to the continuously updated M SNBC site. A tour of the newsroom rounds off the morning.

After lunch we'll spend some time in the Microsoft Library, the Microsoft Museum, and the Company Store (sorry, no software purchases). Finally, we'll join Michael Kinsley, editor and founder of Slate, MSN's webzine of politics and culture, for a Q&A se ssion.

Sponsored by Microsoft.

Cost of the event including lunch and transportation: $40.

Moderator: Tom Lutgen, The Los Angeles Times

News Division events have been underwritten by the following companies and organizations:
