1 Browsers and companions
2 stars
A Swiss Army Knife for the Web
Atomica bills itself as the Swiss Army knife of the Internet, helping searchers wade through and make sense of 1.5 billion Web pages. The way it works you position your cursor on the word or topic, press and hold the Alt key, click the mouse and the Atomica pop-up window opens, displaying information about that word or topic. Choose from various information tabs to view different kinds of information: reference (e.g. dictionary, encyclopedia, thesaurus) and/or real-time information (e.g. news, sports, stock quotes). It's actually pretty fast and works reasonably well.
Atomica works along the same principle as Flyswat only with more authority and less annoyance. A bit basic for news researchers but potentially useful if you are wading around technical sites and need to clarify meaning & content.

1 Browsers and companions
3 stars
Power browser
Self described as the most powerful browser on the planet. That may be (it does have a lot of muscular features that make Netscape look wimpy). It has an Explorer-like look and feel and comes set up with Flyswat (check that out). The browser is not intuitive to use and does not explain itself well enough to want to use it over Explorer
There is an interesting feature called Captorgroups which permit you to make collections of Web sites. This is potentially useful to a news researcher but I can't determine a use for it just yet.

OPERA 5.11
1 Browsers and companions
5 stars
Fast, very cool but ad driven browser
Probably the premier browser outside of Microsoft Explorer and Netscape. Opera is very fast, always improving and the developers are responsive to the users. Imports bookmarks readily from Netscape and Explorer. The best feature from a news researcher's prospective is it's ability to keep opening windows and reducing them to minimized tabs. This keeps the links open and active and allows you to flip back through sites very speedily. Better yet it reactivates them when you start up the browser again
The free version comes with and Ad window-So you don't get ads now? Free Opera has enough power and utility to make you want to upgrade to the pay version

Google search engine
1 Browsers & companions
3 stars
Highlight & click searching
Google buttons or as we call them, magic buttons may be found on the Google site. Simply copy them to you desktop or Intranet page. These handy little buttons are really CGI's or Common Gateway Interfaces. By replacing the Google address with the search site of your choice you can create handy little search tools for yourselves and for your reporters.
Time saver, flexible and fun. Reporters are very impressed.

1 Browsers & companions
2 stars
Google tool for Explorer browser
iLOR Website is basically a search engine site that does some researcher value added features after the search is performed in the Google search engine. By moving your cursor over the search results you can perform on of four additional functions- "Put in My List" adds the listings to a new browser window. You can save the list, add then to your bookmarks or email them. "Go now" a new window opens for the site you selected-this avoids the hitting the Back button numerous time to get back to your search results You remain anchored to your original search result window. The "Open in Task Bar" opens the selection in a new window but minimizes it. This allows you to put the result aside without cluttering up your display. Finally "Open new window" does just that which is no different than right clicking in any browser.
Does not work with Netscape

Google search engine
1Browsers & companions
2 stars
Google tool for Explorer browser
The new Google Toolbar(TM) increases your ability to find information from anywhere on the web and takes only seconds to install. The Google Toolbar is available free and includes these great features: Google Search: Access Google's search technology from any web page. Site Search: Search only the pages of the site you're visiting. Word Find: Find your search terms wherever they appear on the page. Highlight your search terms as they appear on the page, each word in its own color. PageRank: See Google's ranking of the current page. Page Info: Access more information about a page including similar pages, pages that link back to that page, as well as a cached snapshot.
Features: Google toolbar is fun to play with and compliments the Google site very well. Page linking is a little flaky, the toolbar can be installed only on Microsoft Explorer right now and the page rank is a gas gauge that doesn’t tell you much., while a separate site from Google is slightly more useful

Magnus Brading,
5 stars
Netscape to Explorer -Explorer to Netscape
The ultimate program for converting bookmarks between the Netscape and Internet Explorer formats (both directions). The program has been tested for versions up to Netscape 6 and Internet Explorer 5.The latest version of Bookmark Converter, and be found at Bookmark Converter homepage
What a nifty little utility -allows you to transport your bookmarks between Netscape and Microsoft Explorer. This is shareware not a freebie but it's worth the $8 investment for the convenience and security of moving between browsers.

5Star Shareware
4 stars
Keeping the books between browsers
Bookmark Mate v3.10 Bookmark Mate is a popular bookmark management tool which allows you to manage all your IE, Netscape and Opera bookmarks/favorites, username and passwords efficiently The program allows you to easily detect and delete dead bookmarks from your record, as well as move bookmarks among portfolios with a single click. Bookmark Mate also allows you to auto-probe multiple web sites for new updates. The Bookmark Everywhere feature, lets you access your bookmarks anywhere on the Internet and receive messages from webmasters of your favorite sites. The latest version features customized descriptions for each bookmark and On-line help.
This utility allows you to store your bookmarks on the Internet at the Bookmate site-making them available to you anywhere anytime. To use this service: Create an account with Options->Create Account Login with Options->Login Manage your online storage in Remote portfolio For more information, please visit Pressing the button on the left on the tool bar Bookmate checks your bookmarks for dead links- every handy feature

3 Agents & tickers
1 star
Little surfer helper it shops too!
Alexa began life cataloging the net and now makes it way in the world providing added value pointers and linking for Web surfers. Maybe not strictly for news researchers but the service does provide some added value pointing you to related information.
Guess what-there is no version for Netscape -have you installed Explorer yet?

3 Agents & tickers
5 stars
Palm Pilot newstand
Very well done news and information site with premier news and business content available for customized download to your Visor or Palm Pilot. If your newspaper does not have a Palm edition you probably should create one-it's a great way to reach mobile, busy people.
Requires establishing an account (free of course). You can add or drop "channels at any time and the links to new products, free downloads and PDA tips & tricks is worth the effort.

3 Agents & tickers
5 stars
Intelligent agent
Bulleye 2 perhaps is the most interesting free tool I have found on the Internet. A combination bot with built in browser capabilities integrated into Internet Explorer, Bulleyes 2 could be a very valuable addition to researchers toolkit. Bullseye is capable of scanning some 700 search engines within 14 major categories. You can add additional sources for Bullseye to search.
Wealth of search options, uses Boolean logic and quote searching. Verifies links so you do not have dead links. Highlights search terms and will perform a search within your search results. Fairly intuitive software but there is a lot here an takes a while to master. Bulleye 2 is not known as a good shopper

3 Agents & tickers
2 stars
Supercharged finding tool
A very good idea that allows you to collect and categorize your Web interests and combine them with outstanding speed for updates and access. The problem lies in the few categories and options you can use with the free version. You are encouraged at every turn to upgrade to the paid version.
Good demonstration technology for what is possible to do on the Web outside of the strict browser world. Comes with a very special feature that is worth the price of admission Gist-In-Time which is a radio button that resides on your IE toolbar and will translate German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

3 Agents & tickers
2 stars
Supercharged finding tool
A very good idea that allows you to collect and categorize your Web interests and combine them with outstanding speed for updates and access. The problem lies in the few categories and options you can use with the free version. You are encouraged at every turn to upgrade to the paid version.
Good demonstration technology for what is possible to do on the Web outside of the strict browser world. Comes with a very special feature that is worth the price of admission Gist-In-Time which is a radio button that resides on your IE toolbar and will translate German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese

3 Agents & tickers
1 star
Creates links anywhere & everywhere
Flyswat can be downloaded separately or will arrive bundled with the NetCaptor software if you chose to download that browser. Interesting idea-creates links from recognizable words on you Web pages that open new paths to explore in your research.
The ALT key in conjunction with highlighting the term opens a dictionary -or at least sends you to a dictionary site. The links work sporadically and oddly enough while Flyswat was installed on Explorer it opened the link in Netscape. Program has many characteristics in common with a fly.

3 Agents & tickers
3 stars
News you can't wait for (can you? Part 3)
Yet another news ticker, but perhaps the best since you can customize to a very great degree what you are getting. Also worth noting the news sources are top notch- CNN for example. Infogate is the most full featured and attractive news tickers I have found.
OK you may hate this one after a while but they are fun to try. Imagine getting a steady diet of only news you ask for.

Moreover .com
3 Agents & tickers
3 stars
News you can't wait for (can you? Part 1)
A cleverly designed news service that puts the news scrolling across your desktop. Double click on the headline a you go to the original story (and oddly enough the site that Moreover enrolled in their program)
Less obtrusive than you might think, and yes you do want to read some of this stuff. Good news source.

Stroud's CWS Apps
3 Agents & tickers
2 stars
News you can't wait for (can you? Part 2)
Yet another News and stocker ticker (actually there are lots to pick from on this site) Pointcast is well regarded however and if you really want on this is pretty good.
The tiresoem factor on news tickers is fairly high, my guess is the novelty wears off soon unless your watching the Florida election reruns.

Knowledge Probe Inc
3 Agents & tickers
5 stars
Tracks Internet job seekers
Handy little program retrieves resumes from job Web sites based on search criteria you supply. Essentially a resume site search engine. Allows you to check off relevant search sites, create search projects and downloads resumes to your PC based on your search strategy.
Resume fishing is a great if unorthodox method of locating sources. When researching company information, gathering competitive intelligence it is very useful to talk to people who USED to work there, to say nothing of disgruntled employees looking for other jobs. Also track colleagues and co-workers if your interested. Or use the Resume Detective to locate talent for your research center!

Spy Spychecker
3 Agents & tickers
3 stars
Checks for spyware on your freeware! is a public database of Spyware products. The database is maintained on a daily basis and new software is added or removed as needed.Information is gathered from Internet sources, ad companies and reliable sources in the software distribution industry.
Simple to use, just open the program, enter the name of the software you want to check and Spychecker opens your browser to the very current database at and searches for a match. If Spychecker finds a match the browser displays information about the software, what ad spyware they are using and opens the software privacy statement. From there you decide whether or not the software should be kept or deleted.

3 Agents & tickers
5 stars
Web site monitor
Spyonit is an alert service you set up to monitor changes on Web sites. It also comes in the form of a button you can add to your personal toolsbar to create "spies" an any time, there is a page available to you of your personal collection of spies and finally an extensive list of spies created by other users which you may join in on. Clicking on the icon will enable you to be notified whenever a change is made to the web page you are currently viewing. You can choose to be notified via email, pager, instant messenger, Palm VII, etc.
Flexible, fun addition to your toolbar and once you get into this a bit yet another way to inundate yourself with information. The most remarkable aspect of a tool like this is your ability to constantly monitor particular Websites. This is a terrific competitive intelligence tool.