RTPnet Archives

This is the Web site for the archives of Public Information Network, Inc.,
Doing Business As Triangle Free-Net, RTPnet, and NC Tech4Good Conference, through 2016.
Researchers and others who are curious are welcome to explore the archives.

The paper archives are available through the
Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
see Inventory of the RTPnet Records, 1989-2005 Collection Number 5297

From its beginnings in 1989, RTPnet (officially, Public Information Network, Inc.) has worked to promote electronic communication of information of public interest.

This archive site documents the history of RTPnet and community networks with plans, reports, news clippings, project descriptions, grant proposals, conference materials, email discussions, and other associated files. Links may no longer work. Items listed that don't have links are paper only.

In most cases, if you access a directory, you will be able to browse the contents of the directory. For example, http://ibiblio.org/rtpnet/archives/tact/ brings up the directory for TACT, while http://ibiblio.org/rtpnet/archives/tact/tact.shtml brings up the home page for Triangle Area Centers for Technology (TACT).


Last modified:
October 31, 2016
© Copyright 2006 hallman@email.unc.edu