All abstracts should be submitted via an e-mail attachment to: The attachment should be in the format of either rft (rich text format) or Microsoft Word, containing the abstract title, the list of all authors with their institutional affiliation, and the body of the abstract consisting of no more than 500 words including references and footnotes. Each abstract submission may include one illustration, in jpg or gif format. Please be certain that the presenting author and/or the corresponding author are designated with detailed contact information, including at least their email addresses.

Young scientists and students may consider an application for the SIMC awards with their abstract submissions.

SIMC Young Scientist Award
SIMC Student Award

The SIMC-XIV organizing committee is proud to initiate the Young Scientist Award and the Student Award, to help identify outstanding work by conference youth attendees. The award prizes consist of $800 and a plaque for the Young Scientist Award and $400 and a certificate for the Student Award. All the SIMC-XIV attendees under 35 years old, as an author or co-author of a conference submission may become eligible candidates for the Young Scientist Award by attaching a letter of application (with a resume and a list of publications) together with their conference abstracts. The award winner must show current outstanding performance and promise for future substantial achievement in conducting material and application research. To qualify as candidates for the Student Award, the SIMC-XIV attendees must bring evidence of their student registration with their abstract submissions, and must actually give the presentation (oral or poster) at the conference. The first priority for both awards is candidates who are first authors of accepted abstracts. The excellent standard and criteria will be overseen and maintained by the attending members of the Scientific Program Committee and the International Advisory Committee. The SIMC-XIV organizing committee will hold an Award Ceremony for presentation of the awards during the week of the conference.

University of Arkansas
SIMC-XIV, University of Arkansas
248 Physics Building
Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA
Tel: (479) 575-4084; Fax: (479) 575-4580