News Division of SLA

NewsLib's Directory (2003) of International Subscribers Directory (2002) of Latin American Media Librarians
International Relations Committee's 2002 Annual Report Articles about International News Libraries
NewsLib International Subscribers (April 2005)

International Media Archivists
Web Sites and E-Mail Lists (2003

Photo Gallery
SLA News Division Programs
 * New York City, June 7-12, 2003
 * Int. Lib. Comm. Prog. '03
 * Anaheim, CA, June 1987
Freedom Forum / SLA International Libraries Fellows
Reports from international news librarians/archivists' visits/tours to North America. International Conferences
(Outside North America)
Links to international media: newspapers, broadcast, cable, wire services, etc.  Profiles of international news libraries. 
ARTICLES [Note: article files are large and load slowly.]
[Note: we are looking for more articles about international media libraries and archives; the articles can be in the country's native language. Send the pdf files to Barbara Semonche ]

    * Hora de Cierre, Marzo 2002, "Bibliotecas en la Redacción" by Dalia Salazar. Text in Spanish and English. Photos included.

    Hong Kong Library Organization's Newsletter, Nov. 2002
"Visit to Sing Tao Group & Cable TV Libraries" Text in English. Photos included. 

    * VPOD Nieuws (VPOD means Vereniging van Pers- en Omroepdocumentalisten =  Association of the Dutch Press- and Broadcast Librarians): [In Dutch and English]

1: Semonche's visit to Holland in May 2001, published in June 2001. Photo. [In English]
2: Laura Soto-Barra's visit to PcM in March 2002, published in June 2002. Photo. [In Dutch]
3: Article about SLA, News Division and our Annual report from June 2002, published in September 2002. [In English and Dutch]
4: Jos van Tegelen, Information Resource Center, U.S. Embassy the Hague, The Netherlands , prepared a web site of a group of Dutch media archivists' tour of US news research centers April, 2003. The web page offers photos of the trip and is in written in Dutch. 

    * de Journalist, May 18, 2001: "Documentalist sluipt redactie binnen," Photo. [In Dutch only]

    * Biblioteks Pressen, 19 Juni, 2001: "Mediabibliotekar på amerikansk." Af Hans Henrik Kragh-Nielsen. Photo. [In Danish only]

    * NewsLibraryNews:

            Spring 2005: "Libraries' mission, future discussed at international seminar." Cover article by Leigh Montgomery, librarian with The Christian Science Monitor. [Note: includes a color photo of news librarians attending the October 2004 Salzburg Seminar.]
            Fall 1998: "Looking at Libraries: The Montreal Gazette." Photo in original print edition only .  By Donna MacHutchin. (Library profile) 
Spring 1996: "Nordic News Researchers and Librarians Meet in Sweden." (Cover article) By Sanna Kilner. [Note: scroll to bottom of screen to locate article.]

            Fall 1996: "Play on Words: AUKML Style. United Kingdom Media Librarians Meeting Durham, England July 5-7, 1996. (Feature article)

Spring 1995: "Report from Down Under: Challenges for Information Management in the Radio Division of Australian Broadcasting Corporation." (Cover article) By John Bartholmaeus. 

            Summer 1994: "Emerging free press, news libraries vital partners." (Cover article discusses The Freedom Forum and eastern Europe including Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, as well as Vietnam.) By Mona Hatfield. [Note: Scroll to the bottom of the screen for the article.] 

            Fall 1994: "The CRTC, the FCC and their Libraries." [Note: for this article on the Canadian Broadcasting System scroll down to the bottom of the screen.]  (Covert article) By Leone Earls and Carol Ashurst. 

            Fall 1993: "United Kingdom librarians meet in Edinburgh." By Helen Martin

    *  World Reports -- Online Journalism (reports from Latin America, Europe, Mid-East are in English)
            * OJR: "Writing for a Global Audience" April 5, 2002


News Media Libraries: A management handbook. Edited by Barbara Semonche. Published by Greenwood Press in 1993.
  Chapter 4: "News Libraries in the European Community." By Lucinda Covert-Vail. [Note: the author of this chapter conducted a survey and follow-up interviews with responding news libraries in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom. The author's attempts to reach news librarians in Greece and Ireland were unsuccessful. This chapter offers extensive notes and a bibliography.]           


PHOTO GALLERY     [Note: photo files are large and load slowly]
[Note: we are also looking for current and archival photos of international media libraries and archives. Please send them in tif or pdf files to Barbara Semonche ]

This is a picture of the information center staff of "EL Norte" newspaper at Monterrey México. "El Norte" is part of the "Grupo Reforma" which includes Reforma, Mural, Palabra and several other regional newspapers in major cities of México. 
Photo submitted by  Carlos Alan González Orozco

[Note: At the June 2001 SLA conference in San Antonio, Texas, the Freedom Forum sponsored a Luncheon for News Division members. The featured speaker was  Rossana Fuentes Berain, Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs en Espanol and Advisor to the President of Grupo Reforma, in Mexico City. The moderator was Nancy Stewart, Freedom Forum]

   * Australia:     The Age Library Pictorial Staff - 1997
    * Denmark:    Danish Media Archivists - 2001 
    * Hungary:    Hungarian Media Archivists - 2001
    * Netherlands:    Dutch Media Archivists - 2001
    * Poland:        Center for Independent Journalism - 1996
    * Romania:    Center for Independent Journalism - 1996
    * South Africa:    F.A.M.E. Workshop in Johannesburg - 2002
    * Equador:    Photos of Diaro EXPRESO's library in Guayaquil - 2003

[Note: we are looking for current URLs of web sites and email lists for international media libraries and archives. Please send information to Barbara Semonche ]

Dutch Media Archivists Newsletter (in Dutch)

    * United Kingdom Media Librarians 

    * Danish Media Archivists (in Danish)

    * Hungarian Media Archivists 

    * SLA News Division

    * Special Libraries Association  

    * Reporters Sans Frontières (in French)



1995:     Prague, Czech Republic and Bratislava, Slovakia
              Kathleen Flynn (at this time with Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
                [Note: See Flynn's article in SpeciaList, April 1996.]

1996:     Warsaw, Poland and Bucharest, Romania
               Barbara Semonche (UNC-CH School of Journalism and Mass  Communication)
            Hong Kong and Manila, Philippines
            Margot Williams (Washington Post)
            [Note: See Williams' & Semonche's articles in Information Outlook, June 1997.]

1997:     Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia
              Chris Hardesty (at this time with The News & Observer)
              "To Russia With Love" published in NewsLibraryNews, Winter 1998

            Hong Kong and Manila, Philippines
            Margot Williams (Washington Post)

            Buenos Aires, Argentina
            Jan Tudor (JT Research in Portland Oregon)
            [Note: See Phyllis Lyons' article report in June 25, 1998

1998:     Caracas, Venezuela and Lima, Peru
              Miriam Matteson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

            Hong Kong and Bangkok, Thailand
            Jennifer Small Evert (at this time with the San Antonio Express-News)

            South Africa
            Sylvia Piggott (World Bank)

            Budapest, Hungary and Bucharest, Romania
            Janet Dombrowski (National Geographic)

1999-2000:     [None awarded]

2001:     La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz, Bolivia 
              Laura Soto-Barra. 

2002:     Johannesburg, South Africa
              Carolyn Hardnett (Freedom Forum)




2001:    Annabel Colley, the BBC's Current Affairs web producer, is named European Special Librarian of the Year 2001. Here is a link to Colley's presentation at SLA's annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, "From Librarian to Web Producer via Investigative Journalism." 

            Aase Andreasen, from Copenhagen, Denmark

            Wil Roestenburg, from Amsterdam, Netherlands 


1999:    The News Division's Vormelker-Thomas Student Award competition winner, Solveig Benedikte Nes, is from Oslo, Norway.

1995:    The News Division's Vormelker-Thomas Student Award competition winner, Catherine Cino, is from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


    International News Librarians 


            [Note: article files are large and load slowly]


2001:    [See also: Danish and Dutch media archivists' articles listed above.]


1999:     VPOD conference in the Netherlands - Putting a Library Reorganization Plan into Action – a Dutch Case Study. Paper (10 pages) presented by Wil Roestenburg. [In English and Dutch] Wil begins his presentation with a salute Nora Paul.  

1998:     July Summer Session in the Netherlands- "Journalism in the Electronic Age." In Maastricht, Netherlands, at the European Journalism Centre (EJC). Organized by EJC and Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University. Nora Paul, Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A. 

1997:    AUKML's (Assoc. of United Kingdom Media Librarians) October conference, "Forging a Professional Relationship with the Newsroom:" Nora Paul's presentation. Currently, Nora is the director of the Institute for New Media Studies at the University of Minnesota .

1996:    "Nordic News Researchers and Librarians Meet in Sweden." (Cover article in NewsLibrary News, Spring 1996.) By Sanna Kilner. [Note: scroll to bottom of screen to locate article.]

1996:   "Play on Words: AUKML Style. United Kingdom Media Librarians Meeting Durham, England July 5-7, 1996. (Feature article in NewsLibraryNews, Fall 1996)

1993:   "United Kingdom librarians meet in Edinburgh." By Helen Martin. (Feature article in NewsLibraryNews, Fall 1993.)


Asia News Network (ANN)