List of News Division Continuing Education (CE) Courses

2004 Deadline Due Diligence and Accidental Archivist (Nashville)

2003 Archiving Web Content and Tracking Down Public Records (New York)

2002 News Libraries in Crisis - Understanding and Managing Change (Los Angeles)

2001 News Research: a Critical Evaluation of Specific Industry Resources (San Antonio)

2000 Computer-Assisted Reporting for News Librarians (Philadelphia)

1999 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Public Records (Minneapolis)

1998 Business is News: A Primer for and Evaluation of Business Resources Available to News Librarians (Indianapolis)
        Advanced Intranet Development for News Libraries (Arlington, VA--Midwinter)

1997 Internet to Intranet: What News Librarians Need to Know (Seattle)

1996 Digital Technologies in News Libraries (Boston)

1995 Leaders in an Electronic Era (Montreal)

1994 The Electronic Landscape: New Products, methods and Responsibilities (Atlanta)

1993 Profit Centers (Cincinnati)

1992 Computer Assisted Reporting (San Francisco)

1991 Technology update: Library and Front-end Systems (San Antonio)

1990 Managing the News Library (Pittsburgh)

1989 Computerization of News Library Functions: A Systems Primer (New York)

1988 New Technology in Newsrooms: Its Impact on News Libraries (Denver)

1987 ?? (Anaheim)

1986 ?? (Boston)

1985 Managing the News Library and Its Collections (Winnipeg)

1984 Newspaper Library Basics (New York)

1983 Newspaper Library Basics (New Orleans)

1982 Newspaper Library Basics (Detroit)

1981 Newspaper Library Automation: Advanced Technology (Atlanta)

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Last Update: 11/18/04
Jessica Baumgart