1996 News Division Program
SLA Annual Conference

The SLA Annual Conference is a wonderful opportunity for news librarians to meet together to discuss common problems, examine products and have a lot of fun. The meetings are scheduled in early June at a different city around the United States and Canada. The News Division Chair-Elect coordinates the planning of the news library program at the Conference. The events in Boston were organized by Teresa Leonard, News Research Director at the Raleigh News and Observer.

Saturday, June 8

10 a.m. Welcome to Boston.
Bicycle and roller blade tour along the Charles River.
6 p.m. Division suite open (sponsored)

Sunday, June 9

9 a.m. Division CE -- The Era of Digital News Libraries: Practical Applications. (ticketed)
High tech presentation and discussion focusing on the challenges and concerns brought about by digital technology. Issues to be addressed include digital archiving, full-page archiving, digital workflow, WWW archiving, filmless photography, and the role of the news librarian. Instructors include MJ Crowley, Philadelphia Newspapers; Kurt Foss, University of Wisconsin.
2 p.m. Christian Science Center Open House
The Christian Science Monitor will host an open house and tour of the library and newsroom. The Christian Science Center is across the street from the convention center. Light snacks will be provided. . Moderator: Joyce McMillin, Christian Science Monitor
6 p.m. Division suite open (sponsored by MediaStream (VU/TEXT), Knight Ridder Information Inc.)

Monday, June 10

7:30 a.m. The New World of Copyright (sponsored breakfast)
As both users and producers of copyrighted material, how do we approach copyright with regard to new technologies? How do recent or ongoing cases apply? Moderator: Mary Lou Whitman, Dialog. Speaker: Nancy Honig, Knight Ridder Information Services.
9 a.m. SLA General Session. Also, News Division 95-96 Board Meeting Moderator: Charlie Campo, Bangor Daily News.
10:30 a.m. Performance Standards for News Librarians
Performance Standards for News Librarians What is a news researcher? What are the qualifications and requirements for the job? What skills should we be working on to be the best we can be? Where to look for good news researchers. Moderator: Judy Canter, San Francisco Examiner. Speakers: Cary Kenney, St. Petersburg Times, John Jansson, Chicago Tribune. Facilitator: Kay Dorko, Education Week and Teacher Magazine.
1:30 p.m. Disaster Research
When a disaster strikes in your hometown, you're not only covering it, you're living through it. You have to deal with the effect on your staff and on yourself, but you also have to get the work out and deal with the onslaught of outside media. Three or four who have been through it talk about how they handled it, plus present research sources for the rest of us. Moderator: Barbara Hijek, St. Petersburg Times. Speakers: Carol Campbell, Daily Oklahoman, Gay Nemeti, Miami Herald, Maloy Moore, Los Angeles Times. Facilitator: Denise Jones, The News & Observer.
3 p.m. News Division Business Meeting
Moderator:Charlie Campo, Bangor Daily News.
4:30 p.m. News Division 95-96 Board Meeting
4:30 p.m. Tips for New Managers
POSDCORB: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, COordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting. The tool box of the manager. You learned it all in library school. Now hear how it works in the real world in a news library. Moderator: Margaret Neu, Corpus Christi Caller Times. Speakers: Kathy Foley, San Antonio News Express, Debbie Millward, The Pacific Press, Carolyn Edds, The Spartanburg Herald-Journal. Facilitator: Alice Pepper, Detroit Free Press.
6 p.m. Awards Reception and Banquet (ticketed)(Reception sponsord by UMI)
Moderator: Mary Kate Leming, Palm Beach Post
9 p.m. Division suite open

Tuesday, June 11

7:30 a.m. Your Reference Collection: The Next Generation
The news library collection ain't what she used to be. How have changes in information technology changed what you collect? Often the same sources are available in a variety of formats. How do you decide which is better for your situation? Includes bibliographies on beat-specific research: business, medical, entertainment, political, etc. Moderator: Sperry Krueger, The News & Observer. Speakers: Barbara Hijek, St. Petersburg Times, Susan Cramer, Pew Charitable Trust, William Holmes, Los Angeles Times, Linda Ronan, Sports Illustrated, Liz Donovan, The Miami Herald. Facilitator: Elizabeth Larson.
9:30 a.m. Roundtable on International Libraries sponsored by the Freedom Forum.
Moderator: Phyllis Lyons, The Freedom Forum. Speaker: Kathleen Flynn, Atlanta Journal & Constitution
10:30 a.m. SLA Exhibit Hall Hours
12 noon CQ Luncheon Speaker: Ronald D. Elving, Political Editor
1:30 p.m. Change in the News Library
How to cause change, how to cope when change is thrust upon you, how to recognize when you're the one who needs to change. Moderator: Lany McDonald, Time-Warner Co., Speakers: Mona Hatfield, Contra Costa Times, Madeline Cohen, Newsweek, Alice Pepper, Detroit Free Press, Pam Brooks, Time Inc.. Facilitator: Lisa LoVullo, Baltimore Sun.
3 p.m. Evaluating Vendors and Systems
What to look for in a vendor, negotiating, closing the deal. How to do comparisons between vendors. What questions to ask. Moderator: Kathleen Trimble, US News. Speakers: Kathleen Flynn, Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Tim Rozgonyi, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Facilitator: Mike Meiners, Sun-Sentinel.
3 p.m. Small Libraries: Time Savers, Management Savers, Stress Savers
How solo librarians or those in small libraries can use time management, move from a reactive to proactive management style and organize and prioritize to become more successful. Moderator: Diane Logsdon, The Pantagraph, Gretchen Leslie, Mentorgraphics, Donna Soultoukis, Friends Hospital, Tammy Binford, Nashville Banner
4:30 p.m. Digital Archives and Text Management
Includes information on mixing image and text databases, digitizing clips and other collections. Thinking beyond your own library boundaries. Moderator: Justin Scroggs, Time-Warner Co. Speaker, Richard R. Rowe, RoweCom. Facilitator: Marsha Woodbury, University of Illinois.
6 p.m. Division suite open (sponsored by DataTimes)

Wednesday, June 12

8 a.m. News Division 96-97 Board Meeting
Moderator: Teresa Leonard, The News & Observer.
9 a.m. SLA Business Meeting
11:30 a.m. Covering the 96 Campaigns (box lunch)
Nuts and bolts. What are the rules? Campaign finance reform initiatives at federal and state levels. Where can you get information? How to track legislation, competitive intelligence on candidates. How to research contributions, how to find the links. Where are the loopholes? Speakers: Kent Cooper, Federal Elections Commission. Facilitator: Kee Malesky, National Public Radio.
1 p.m. CAR: Are We Being Left in the Dust?
Databases used to be the domain of the library. With the explosion of computer assisted reporting, are news libraries losing their franchise? Two of the nation's computer assisted reporting experts present their views on the news library's role in this arena. Moderator: Pat Stith, The News & Observer Speakers: Tom Boyer, Seattle Times, George Landau, St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Facilitator: Pat Clark, Time-Warner.
2:30 p.m. Finding People (with B&F, S/L, LEG Divisions)
Psychological profiling. Following the trail. Ethical issues of public record and people research. Moderator: Barbara Semonche, University of North Carolina. Speakers: Pat Stith, The News & Observer, Cheryl Poirier, Independent consultant, Carolyn Hardnett, The St. Petersburg Times. Facilitator: Debbie Millward, Pacific Press. (formerly online at: http://sunsite.unc.edu/journalism/bostonfind.html)
4 p.m. Webbing the Newsroom
A survey of how internal web pages are being used as a newsroom resource, including tips for creating your own. Moderator: Bridget Janus, Cedar Rapids Gazette. Speakers: Michael Jesse, Dayton Daily News, Sperry Krueger, The News & Observer. Facilitator: Shira Goldman, Knight Ridder.
6 p.m. Reunion at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (sponsored by Lexis)
Fond memories of the museum linger among attendees of the 1986 Boston Conference. Elegant reception set in a 15th century Venetian palace.
9 p.m. Division suite open

Thursday, June 13

9 a.m. Worcester Field Trip
Visit the American Antiquarian Society, major research library in early American history and culture. Collection includes earliest American newspapers. Moderator: George Labounte, Telegram & Gazette
9 a.m. IRE Field Trip
Head to Providence to attend the first day of the Investigative Reporters and Editors conference. (This requires a $50 registration with IRE. Register online at http://www.projo.com/ire/ireg.htm)

Planning Ahead for SLA

1996 Boston, MA June 8-13
1997 Seattle, WA June 7-12
1998 Indianapolis, IN June 6-11
1999 Minneapolis, MN June 5-10
2000 Philadelphia, PA June 10-15
2001 San Antonio, TX June 9-14
2002 Los Angeles, CA June 8-13
2003 New York City, NY June 6-12
2004 Nashville, TN June 5-10

1996 Cleveland, OH Jan. 25-27
1997 Ft. Lauderdale, FL Jan. 23-25
1998 Washington, DC Jan. 25-27
1999 San Francisco, CA Jan. 24-26
2000 St. Louis, MO Jan. 23-25

SLA News Division Home

Reformatted on 03/23/03
Jessica Baumgart