Panelists for "How We Did It" June 10, 1998


Bridget Janus, Cedar Rapids Gazette

Bridget Janus has been the news librarian at The Gazette (Cedar Rapids) for 21 years. From clipping to photo/text archiving, she’s been through many transitions. Recently, the library grew from a two-person operation to a four-person "mega-information center." An active member of The Gazette’s management team, she is a member of the corporate marketing team and interactive media committee. Recently, she was named to the Employee Advisory Committee and the Strategic Initiative Committee for Technology, groups that will steer the move to a new building in the next two years.

As an active member of the News Division of SLA, she has served as director of publicity and also on many committees. She was guest faculty for the Poynter seminar, "News Libraries: Leadership for the 21st Century," in February. She has been a speaker at News Division programs and workshops and will be on a panel at the 1998 conference. She wrote two chapters in "News Media Libraries: A Management Handbook." Bridget has a B.A. from Coe College and a master’s degree in library science from the University of Iowa.

Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News

Kathy Foley is Editor, Information Services at the San Antonio Express-News. She came to San Antonio after 10 years at the Washington Post, where she was the Deputy Director of News Research. She was also Chief Librarian at the Houston Post.

Kathy is a former Chair of the News Division as well as a frequent speaker and program planner for SLA, National Press Photographer Assn. programs, and the Poynter Institute.

Kathy first brought up a digital text archive in 1985 at the Houston Post. She was recruited to the Washington Post, to develop an in-house text archive in 1986, and supervised the installation of a digital photo archive in 1995.

During 1994-95 Foley managed the project to create a story transfer workflow from the newsroom to Digital Ink. Kathy installed a text archive at the Express-News in May, 1997. She has recently launched a company-wide intranet called ENsite.

Kathleen Flynn, Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Kathleen M. Flynn is Deputy Director of News Research Services at The Atlanta Journal - Constitution. Before the Olympics she was thrown headfirst into helping develop a proposal for an integrated text and image archive system to replace an aging one.

For the last eighteen months, Kathleen has been the archive project manager, working closely with AJC and other Cox newspaper staffs and their developer, Digital Technology International, designing, testing, documenting and screaming, as necessary.

Prior to coming to the AJC in January of 1996, Kathleen was the Coordinator of Electronic Information Services at U.S. News & World Report, where her only exposure to archives was searching them.

Linda Henderson, Providence Journal-Bulletin

Linda Henderson has been library director at the Providence Journal-Bulletin since 1991. She joined the Journal in 1986 as assistant librarian. Before that she did a short stint as a researcher at AT&T and six years running a one-woman library at the Courier-News in Bridgewater, NJ.

She is currently helping to oversee the implementation of an integrated archiving system being developed by T/One. While the photo part has been successfully up and running for over a year, the development of the text portion and the importing of the 16-year text backfile has taken longer than expected. The text portion of the archive should go live sometime this summer.

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