Jeff Graveline - The Tuscaloosa News

Centralize collection

· Have the newsroom staff route all work related magazines and newspapers to the library.  Explain that doing so allows everyone in the newsroom to benefit from the materials.
· Talk to people in other departments about taking their magazines when they are done.  I now get 6 computer and Internet magazines that would otherwise have been thrown away from our systems department.
· Leave the most current City directory in the newsroom and keep the older ones in the library
· Try phone disc instead of using old fashioned phone books. If you do not network the discs it is usually cheaper than buying all of the phone books for surrounding areas.

Compile ready reference materials

· Pull current statistics and numbers from the Internet and keep on file for ready reference.  I have done this with census info for all the towns in Alabama, current crime statistics, etc..

· Create databases to organize materials for quick retrieval.  Put archived clip files or photos into an Access database.

· Create a "web page" for the library.  You do not have to publish it to the web; you can use it from you local disk.  Have links to frequently used sites and offer to make copies of the page for others to use from their computers.

Be proactive

· Be proactive with the library and let reporters know that you are there to help them. Check the daily budget each morning to see if their is anything you can add to the day’s stories be it statistics, phone numbers, contact info, tips or suggestions to be used as a sidebar.  Even if they are not used it lets the reporter know that you are willing and able to help.  One of the biggest obstacles is getting the reporters to ask for help.

· Being proactive will also help you when it comes time to expand the library or to buy new materials. If you have specific instances where the library has been critical you have better leverage to bargain.

· Attend the daily budget meetings.  Check the news budget each morning and several times throughout the day.

1998 News Divison Program
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