1999 News Division Program Schedule

Minneapolis, MN, June 5, 1999-June 10, 1999

Saturday, June 5:

4:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Tour of the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Minneapolis Star-Tribune libraries

Bus will leave at 3:45 to take division members to their first stop at the Pioneer Press. Hosts: Bob Jansen, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Deb Nygren, St. Paul Pioneer Press.
Ticketed event #180. Cost $5. Sponsored by Hoover’s Inc.

8:00 pm - midnight
Open House, Hyatt Regency News Division Suite

Catch up with your colleagues on the first night of the conference.
Sponsored by Infonautics Corporation

Sunday, June 6:

9:00 am to 4:00 pm
News Division CE: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Public Records

Moderated by Sperry Krueger, Raleigh News & Observer. Speakers: John Ullman, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; Bill Krueger, Raleigh News & Observer; Dorothy Shea, Palm Beach Post; John Martin, St. Petersburg Times.
Ticketed event #250. Cost $205.

4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
News Division Board meeting

6:00 pm to midnight
News Division Open House/Newcomers Reception, Division Suite (Hyatt Regency)

Host: John Cronin, Boston Herald. THE place to be - where newcomers and the experienced set can meet and greet.
Sponsored by NewsBank, Inc.

Monday, June 7:

7:30 am to 8:45 am
NewsLib Live!

A breakfast archiving discussion of implementing an integrated archiving system, small libraries and new systems and new horizons for archiving - beyond text and images.
Moderated by Barbara Semonche. Panelists: Marcia MacVane, Portland Press Herald; Jim Hunter, Columbus Dispatch; Linda Henderson, Providence Journal. Plus an open mike for topics from the audience.
Sponsored by AP: Technology Marketing, Photo Archive, and Wide World Photos

9:00 am to 10:15 am
General Session

10:30 am to 11:45 am
New Directions and Changing Roles for News Librarians

Where is the cutting-edge now? What is the next cutting-edge? What does it take to get there? What courses do we chart for the future? Moderated by M. J. Crowley, Newark Star-Ledger. Panelists: Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News; Lany McDonald, Time, Inc.; Nora Paul, The Poynter Institute.
Sponsored by LEXIS-NEXIS

Noon to 1:15 pm
Congressional Quarterly’s Annual News Division Luncheon

CQ presents Ronald Elving, Washington News Editor, NPR and Senior Contributing Editor to CQ OnPolitics, speaking on the race for the White House 2000.

1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
The News Industry in the New Millennium

Neil Gershenfeld, author of the new book When Things Start to Think and director of the futuristic world of the MIT Media Lab’s Physical Sciences program, shares his predictions for emerging information technology and what it means for us. Moderated by Lany McDonald, Time Inc.
Sponsored by LEXIS-NEXIS

3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
News Division Annual Business Meeting

6:30 pm until?
News Division 75th Anniversary Gala

To be held at Minneapolis’s historic International Market Square in the Atrium. Dinner, dancing, and special guests including former award winners and officers. Don’t miss the reunion of the century!
Sponsored by UMI

Here is a timeline of the News Division history compiled by M.J. Crowley.

Ticketed event #420. Cost: $60.

Tuesday, June 8:

9:00 am to 10:15 am
What Information Professionals Need to Know about Interface Design

What interface design is; why it matters to users, trainers and intranet developers, and which design principles are essential to consider. Moderated by Nora Paul, The Poynter Institute. Speaker: Alison Head, author of Design-Wise.
Sponsored by NewsEdge

Noon to 1:15 pm
Freedom Forum’s News Division Luncheon
Flashpoint! Information Access - Finding Facts in a Hostile Environment

Kemal Kurspahic, formerly of Sarajevo and former editor of Oslobodjenje, the only newspaper to publish during the Bosnian War, describes how his newspaper continued to publish in a war zone.
Moderator, Phyllis Lyons, Freedom Forum.

1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
News Library Toolbox: Your Reference Collection

We’ll cover six beat-specific topics and tell you the best print and online reference resources in those areas. Moderated by Sperry Krueger, Raleigh News & Observer. Panelists: Anne LeVeque, Catholic News Service; Kee Malesky, National Public Radio; Pam Brooks, Time, Inc., Pamela Dragovich, Congressional Research Service; C.B. Hayden, ABC News, Jim Meier, The Sporting News.
Sponsored by Dow Jones

3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Licensing Your Content: What You Should Know in Negotiating Contracts as an Information Provider

What should you consider in the ever-changing world of online contracts? The view from both the vendor and provider perspective. Moderated by Justin Scroggs, Time, Inc. Panelists: Bill Burger, Infonautics; Chorilee Christou, LEXIS-NEXIS; Tim Collins, EBSCO, Cliff Pierce, UMI/DataTimes; Sharon Clairemont, Orange County Register.

4:30 pm to 5:45 pm
Diversity in the News Research Center

Cultural diversity has been defined as "the equal participation of men and women in organizations, regardless of their race, ethnicity or gender." Does such diversity currently exist in news libraries? How can your library benefit from diversity? Moderated by Jacci Cenacveira, Los Angeles Times. Panelists: Laura Soto-Barra, Florida Times-Union; Carolyn Hardnett, BET Publishing.

6:00 pm to midnight
News Division Open House/Silent Auction, Division Suite

Annual silent auction for News Division members. Place a silent bid for your news colleagues’ memorabilia and collectors’ items.
Sponsored by UMI/DataTimes

Wednesday, June 9:

7:30 am to 8:45 am
Digitized Audio and Video Collections, Convergence and Library Services

In this breakfast session, three panelists discuss how their broadcasting organizations are digitizing processes of content creation, storage and retrieval and project how their services will be delivered in a converged media environment. Moderated by John Bartholomaeus, Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Panelists: Graham Higley, BBC; Debra Bade, CNN; Rob Robinson NPR.
Sponsored by Dow Jones

9:00 am to 11:00 am
SLA Annual Business Meeting

11:00 am to 11:30 am
News Division Board Meeting

11:30 am to 12:45 pm
The Evolution of a Career: Life Before and After the News Library

What are the paths to the news library? What skills do you need for a career path beyond the news library? At this luncheon meeting, a panel of current and former news librarians discuss their career choices. Moderated by Kathleen Hansen, University of Minnesota, School of Journalism. Panelists: Carol Campbell, The Daily Oklahoman; Mary Kate Leming, Cox Interactive Media; Gail Bulfin, Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel.
Sponsored by The Gale Group

1:00 pm to 2:15 pm
Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues in a Wired World

What are the guidelines for your newsroom in avoiding copyright infringement from print, broadcast, online and Internet sources? Learn how to keep your organization legal. Also learn how other media organizations handle unauthorized online and print use of their own content. Moderated by Kathleen Flynn, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Speaker, David Wittenstein, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson.
Sponsored by LEXIS-NEXIS

2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Sources for Digital Images

How do we find the images we need from print and digital sources - CD-ROM, commercial databases and the Web? A look at resources for animal images; an overview of general resources and copyright considerations when using them; and collection development and organization. Moderated by Chris Orr, Landor Associates. Panelists: Courtney Shaw, Smithsonian Institution; Kathy Drewke, Globe Communications.
Sponsored by T/One Inc.

4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Newcomers Wrap-Up

Conference wrap-up for first-time attendees from the News Division.
Moderated by John Cronin, Boston Herald.

6:00 pm to midnight.
News Division Open House, Division Suite or Hyatt Regency Function Room

Join your colleagues for the second round of sales of fun, unusual and news-related items.
Sponsored by MediaStream, Inc.

Thursday, June 10

9:30 am to 2:30 pm
News Division Field Trip

Backstage at the Guthrie Theater - a morning tour, plus catered lunch and afternoon tour of the Walker Art Museum and the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Host: Bob Jansen, Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Ticketed event #760. Cost: $60.00. 

Backstage at the Guthrie Theater - a morning tour, plus catered lunch and afternoon tour of the Walker Art Museum and the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. Host: Bob Jansen, Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Ticketed event #760. Cost: $60.00. 

SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 04/10/2001
Jessica Baumgart