Internet Update Summary

2003 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference
News Division Session

Monday, June 9, 2003

Mona Hatfield, moderator, began by introducing the panelists Liz Donovan of The Miami Herald and Charlie Campo of the Bangor Daily News.

Liz Donovan began the session by talking about the evolution of Internet use at The Miami Herald. The Herald has had an intranet since 1995. Liz turned her bookmarks list into a homepage for the library. She then began to talk about one of the latest Internet technologies, blogs, and how news libraries, librarians, and journalists are using them. Liz even demonstrated how easy it is to make a blog post. Liz's handout is online.

Charlie Campo focused on how we can help journalists use the Web better, including finding things on the invisible Web. He pointed out that many primary sources are available online and that we can channel journalists to them. Recommended reading and links from Charlie's presentation are online.

News Division Program, SLA 2003 Annual Conference
SLA News Division Home

Last Updated: 09/05/03
Jessica Baumgart