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Assessing needs

  • New users
  • Direct requests for help from users
  • Requests from supervisors or editors for staff training
  • Recommendations from librarians
  • New resources become available

  • Don't have a formal 'needs assessment' tool. Our experience has been that people are reluctant to take the time for surveys, and that we always get the same group of respondents.
  • Try to contact new users as they come aboard — I get notices from H&D as people are hired.
  • We have standing arrangement for groups of Metpros and interns. Sometimes I get in touch with the desk editor and offer to set up a library orientation and training session for a new hire.
  • Direct request — we get calls.
  • Editor requests — usually a copy desk. Editor decides that everyone would benefit from being more efficient at searching in a particular database.
  • News Research librarians will send me the name of someone who has asked for training, or will let me know that someone is calling and asking for help on a regular basis.
  • When there is a change in a heavily used resource, or if we subscribe to something new that doesn't work intuitively, or that users might make better use of with training. Ex. TimesOnline web, Factiva from DJI

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