The Universal Publication Archive

Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference
Archiving Update
Monday, June 7, 2004, 12:15-1:30 pm

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Table of Contents

The Universal Publication Archive

MerlinOne: backgrounder

MerlinOne: users and applications

The Universal Publishing Archive

Publishing archives to date....

Digital Archives

Today's computing environment removes tech barriers

Today's business environment changes archive needs

So what would you like in an archive TODAY?

Publishers have been asking about:

What is a Universal Archive?

What to archive for the newspaper?

What else to archive?

Capture & input content at the source

Enhance Content

Search and find everything

Linked pages


Flexible views that end-users can modify


System scaling

Automated distribution

In practice

Who needs a Universal Archive?


Thank You

Author: Rande Simpson Home Page:

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