[newslib] Reprint fees/policies survey summary
Posted by Claire Wollen
Manager, TorStar Syndication Services
Toronto Star Store

Hello everyone,

Before Christmas I asked if any newspapers would be willing to share their article reprint fees with me. I did receive a few responses, and also found some information on various newspaper web sites.

I was asked to provide a summary to the list, and I’ve done so below. Any questions (or more contributions to the list) just let me know.

Newspaper 1

 Newspaper 2

 Newspaper 3

 Newspaper 4

 Newspaper 5

 Newspaper 6

 Newspaper 7

Resources on this page were compiled for a panel discussion "Managing Copyright and Leveraging Revenue in Your News Organization" at the annual conference of the News Division Special Libraries Assn.  in June 2005.  Panel members included Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News; Ginny Everett, Atlanta Journal Constitution; Peter Simmons, The New York Times; and Sharon Clairemont, Orange County Register.
To request updates or additions contact Kathy Foley.
Last Updated 6/4/2005