Practicing good copyright policies in the newsroom

Copyright in the U.S.


The sources above also have trademark information, but this is a good source for the journalist / layman.

Copyright resources for Canada

About plagiarism...

Plagiarism is a copyright / intellectual property issue. Some of us are asked by our companies to be involved in plagiarism detection. Most of us are aware of recent incidents and as they are easily found in many sources, they are not listed here. Below is information about fraud and plagiarism detection and about steps some news organizations are taking to ensure accuracy and accountability.


Software vendors for plagiarism testing

For further exploration of cyberlaw, owning ideas and intellectual property...

Resources on this page were compiled for a panel discussion " Managing Copyright and Leveraging Revenue in Your News Organization" at the annual conference of the News Division Special Libraries Assn.  in June 2005.  Panel members included Kathy Foley, San Antonio Express-News; Ginny Everett, Atlanta Journal Constitution; Peter Simmons, The New York Times; and Sharon Clairemont, Orange County Register.
To request updates or additions contact Kathy Foley.
Last Updated 6/4/2005