
About the News Division



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News Division Program for the
Special Libraries Association Annual Conference 2007

June 3 - 6, 2007 in Denver, Colorado, USA

Additional details about the conference, including information about hotels and online registration, is available on the Special Libraries Association Web site Denver 2007. SLA offers special registration deals, like a discount for early registration (which ends May 1) and a special price for one day attendance. Tickets for most ticketed events are available through SLA's registration system or sold at the conference.

If you have questions about the News Division activities available during the SLA Annual Conference, please contact Justin Scroggs, chair-elect of the News Division. He is in charge of conference programming this year. His e-mail address is jscroggs[at]

More information about News Division offerings at the conference will appear on this page as information about them becomes available.

The News Division Suite is in room 2607 at the Hyatt Regency Denver, which is adjacent to the Colorado Convention Center. (map) It will be open Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Please join us! (News Division members: don't forget to pay your suite fee!)

Presentations and notes will be linked from this page as they become available.

The locations of events are subject to change.

A few people may be blogging the conference on NewsliBlog, the News Division's weblog.

Activities by Date


Additional Information

Be a Mentor or Get a Mentor for the Conference
Contribute to the Silent Auction
General Information about Denver
Getting Around Denver
What to Wear
What to Attend

Saturday, June 2

6:30 p-8:30 p
Informal Dine-Around
If you're interested in a Dutch-treat dinner at a to-be-determined location with unknown dinner companions (and who wouldn't be?) plan to meet in the Division suite at the Hyatt Regency Denver at 6:30 p.
Location: Various Denver restaurants

7:00 p-11:30 p
Networking in the News Division Suite
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

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Sunday, June 3

8:00 a-5:00 p
CE Course: News Researcher's Tech Toolbox 2007: Turning Data into Stories
Learn about the latest technologies news researchers need to know to enhance their newsroom's data collection and story creation efforts. We'll look at open source software such as MySQL for creating databases, php and server-side scripting, automation of site scraping to collect data and more and will discuss how these techniques can be used by news researchers to expand their roles in their organizations. Attendees should be prepared to do some reading before the session.
Ticketed Event: Ticket # 300: $299 for members, $399 for nonmembers
Speakers: Derek Willis, Database Editor,; Jaimi Dowdell, Assistant Director of News Research/CAR specialist, St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Mike Meiners, Director of Newsroom Administration, St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Jeremy Milarsky, Database specialist, South Florida Sun Sentinel
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 709-711
Presentations: Building Your Skunkworks, Picking the Right Project, Meiner's, Dowdell's, Milarsky's

4:00 p-5:30 p
News Division Board Meeting
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

8:00 p-9:00 p
Reception: "Mentor & Mentee" Meet and Greet (Sponsored by Copyright Clearance Center)
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

8:00 p-11:30 p
Networking in the News Division Suite (Sponsored by Copyright Clearance Center)
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

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Monday, June 4

7:00 a-8:30 a
Vendor Roundtable: Archving Systems
Major vendors developing and marketing archiving systems will share their progress. The session will focus on the integration of image, text and page archives and touch on archiving of web content. News Division members will have an opportunity to question vendor representatives about emerging technologies.
Moderator: Justin Scroggs, Newsbank, Inc.
Speakers: Tony Dempewolf, NewsBank, Inc.; Phillip Green, Vice Chairman, Inmagic Inc.
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 501-502
Presentations: Dempewolf's

11:30 a-1:00 p The Future of News Libraries (Sponsored by LexisNexis)
As news organizations deal with the emergence of new media, how will it change our newsrooms and what does it mean for the future of newspapers, news organizations and our profession? Our panelists will discuss these trends as well as the changes they are experiencing "in the trenches."
Moderator: Amy Disch, News Researcher, The Columbus Dispatch
Speakers: Nora Paul, Director, Institute for New Media Studies, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota; Ginny Everett, Senior Editor/Information, Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Mark Hannan Jr., Reference Desk Supervisor, USA Today
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 710-712
Presentations: The Future of News Libraries

1:30 p-3:00 p
The Future of the Past: Small archives and repositories: unique challenges
Digital preservation is a serious challenge for small archives and repositories. Our presenter will discuss the issues and opportunities for managing born-digital content where resources are limited. What technologies, systems, software and practices are available? What's on the horizon? What are you doing now? Bring your questions and concerns: audience participation is welcome and encouraged.
Moderator: Peter Johnson, Preservati Partners
Speaker: Vicky McCarger, Preservati Partners
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 710-712
Presentations: The Future of the Past

4:00 p-5:30 p
News Division Business Meeting
The News Division leadership reports to the members of the division, discusses progress and plans for the future.
Moderator: Jim Hunter, News Division Chair, The Columbus Dispatch
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 505

5:30 p-7:30 p
The Denver Post Reception & library tour
A lobby reception, a talk by Denver Post Editor Gregory L. Moore, a tour of the 6th floor newsroom library and a panoramic view of the city and mountains from a 10th floor rooftop terrace. For more information or to RSVP, contact Library Director Vickie Makings, vmakings[at]
Location: Denver Post, 101 W. Colfax Avenue. Meet in the lobby.

7:00 p-10:00 p
Reception and Silent Auction (Sponsored by ProQuest)
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

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Tuesday, June 5

9:00 a-10:30 a
Online Sources for Genealogical Research
The topic is genealogy but the applications are much broader. This session offers previews and highlights of products and practices in genealogical research. Beyond Google, a convergence of Internet technology, traditional and non-traditional information sources, and exciting advances in indexing and searching have made old news the hottest current topics.
Moderator: Anne Holcomb, Newsroom Librarian, Kalamazoo Gazette
Speakers: Mr. Chris Cowan, Vice President, Publishing, ProQuest Information & Learning; Thomas Kemp, Director, Genealogy Products, NewsBank, Inc.; Ransom Love, Director, Strategic Relationships, Family & Church History Department, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 603
Presentations: Cowan's, Kemp's, Love's

11:00 a-12:30 p
20 Tips For Searching the New Web, Web 2.0: There's more to web searching than just Google (Sponsored by Factiva)
We're constantly reminding our clients that there's more to web search than Google (and Yahoo and MSN). How complete is your search toolbox? Mary Ellen Bates will provide a round-up of new resources, new finding tools, new techniques for mining Web 2.0 content, and ways of tapping into the web's collective intelligence.
Moderator: Linda Henderson, Library Director, Providence Journal Company
Speaker: Mary Ellen Bates, Principal, Bates Information Services Inc.
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Four Seasons 1

2:30 p-4:00 p
Copyright in the 21st Century (Sponsored by Dialog)
Not so long ago 'copyright protection' meant a © on the title page verso and a stern warning sign posted over the photocopier. Since those days much has and is changing in the word of the ©. What does the future hold, formally and functionally for copyrighted content and copyright holders?
Moderator: Georgia Higley, Head, Newspaper Section, Serial & Government Publications Division, Library of Congress
Speaker: Bill Burger, Vice President, Marketing, Copyright Clearance Center
Location: Colorado Convention Center, 301-302
Presentations: Copyright in the 21st Century
Audio: Copyright in the 21st Century

6:00 p-10:00 p
Reception and News Division Awards Banquet
Ticketed Event: Ticket # 710: $85 for members and nonmembers. Transportation is included in the ticket price.
Location: Denver Museum of Nature & Science

10:00 p-11:30 p
Networking in the News Division Suite
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

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Wednesday, June 6

7:00 a-8:30 a
News Research 101: Best Practices
This session will focus on gotta-know processes and ideas useful to new librarians and experienced professionals in need of a refresher. Librarians in various settings will benefit. Speakers from USA Today and The News & Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina) will offer insight on library promotion and marketing and methods for logging and recording reference requests and responses. Jeff Roberts, a staff writer and the Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR) Editor at The Denver Post, will discuss how commonly-available computer programs can be used to enhance and add depth to a library’s services. CAR practices can make it possible to easily compile topical information over time, possibly revealing patterns or phenomena not obvious at first glance. Learn from experienced professionals in this comprehensive session that will give you tools you can apply immediately.
Moderator: Emily Glenn, Corporate Librarian, Association of College & University Housing Officers
Speakers: Denise Jones, Research Manager, The News & Observer; Jean Simpson, Reference Librarian, USA Today; Jeff Roberts, staff writer/CAR Editor, The Denver Post
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 708
Presentations: Simpson's, Roberts'
Handouts: Jones'

11:00 a-12:30 p
Mining Social Neworking Sites: Rich Resources Lie in Wait for Those Who Dig (Sponsored by NewsBank)

  • Real-life examples of how news researchers have successfully used social networking sites in reporting.
  • The mechanics - Digging deeply in social networking sites, the current sites and who's using them and techniques for determining relationships.
  • What's on the Horizon: Online identity systems, microformats and sites that focus on special interest communities.
  • Using social networking sites such as LinkedIn for networking, finding experts, competitive intelligence and increasing visibility.

Moderator: Vickie Makings, Library Director, The Denver Post
Speakers: Regina Avila, Assistant Librarian, The Denver Post; Joe Murphy, Senior Developer for Denver Post Online; Kim Dority, G.K. Dority & Associates Inc.
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 601
Presentations: Dority's, Avila's, Murphy's

1:00 p-2:30 p
Archiving Update: The Library: YOUR Content Management System
At U.S. News & World Report the library acts as the central information system. Using examples from projects in reference and technical services, the U.S. news librarians will discuss the ways they have positioned the library as the REAL content management system of the organization.
Speakers: Allegra Hartley, Librarian, U.S. News & World Report; Jennifer Jack, Senior Librarian, U.S. News & World Report; Stephanie Salmon, Manager, Content Services, U.S. News & World Report
Location: Colorado Convention Center, Room 601
Presentations: Archiving Update

3:00 p-4:30 p
News Division Board Meeting
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

6:00 p-11:30 p
Networking in the News Division Suite
Location: News Division Suite, Hyatt Regency Denver

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Be a Mentor or Get a Mentor for the Conference

The News Division will be continuing its tradition of matching first-time conference attendees and longtime conference veterans at SLA 2007 in Denver in an effort Mentoring Coordinator Shira Kavon has dubbed "Mile-High Mentoring."

From an e-mail to NewsLib from Shira:

"If you are a first-time conference attendee -- WELCOME! News Division members who have attended past conferences want to share their knowledge and help you navigate conference venues, sessions, social events, and especially the evening activities in the News Division Hospitality Suite. We encourage you to take advantage of this program whether you're a student, an established professional, or anywhere in between. All you need to qualify is to be a conference first-timer."

"If you are a conference veteran -- WELCOME BACK! First-time attendees would like to meet you and study your conference "tip-sheet." Guide a first-timer through the News Division Silent Auction, eye-opening 7 AM sessions, late-night networking in the Division Suite, and all the fun the annual conference can be. You need only have attended one conference to qualify and, if you were lucky enough to have been mentored, we encourage you to return the favor."



Please send an e-mail to Shira Kavon, Mentoring Coordinator at shira.kavon[at] with the following subject line: Requesting Mentor -- (Your Name). Please include your name, affiliation (school or business), and your e-mail address.


Please send an e-mail to Shira Kavon, Mentoring Coordinator at shira.kavon[at] with the following subject line: Requesting Mentee -- (Your Name). Please include your name, affiliation (school or business), and your e-mail address. You and your mentor/mentee will each receive an e-mailed match.

Mile-High Mentors & Mentees will have a Special Meet & Greet in the News Division Suite at the Hyatt Regency Denver on Sunday, June 3, 2007 at 8:00 PM. Don't miss it!

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Silent Auction

From an e-mail to NewsLib from Claire Wollen, cwollen[at]

"As you know, SLA Denver is now just a bit more than six weeks away. And the ever-popular News Division Silent Auction, once again generously sponsored by our friends at ProQuest CSA, is also right around the corner.

So, it's not too early to start trolling the hallways of your newspaper or organization, calling in all those many favors you're owed, raiding corporate closets, and gathering up items for the auction - shirts, mugs, bags, videos, photos, towels, posters and cartoons (autographed?) books, souvenir editions, golf balls, memorabilia, gadgets, etc., for the auction. All items donated will be very much appreciated.

News Division conference veterans know that the News Division Silent Auction is a great "not to be missed" evening, and your opportunity to bid on fun, unique and collectible items. And it's all for a great cause, as your donated items, and winning bids will support valuable News Division activities. So if you've been before, we know you'll be there again at the News Division Suite at the Hyatt Regency Denver on Monday, June 4th from 7 to 10 p.m. (the earlier you arrive, the more time you have to browse and plan your bidding strategy.) If you're a News Division, or conference Newbie, please make sure you include this event in your busy schedule!

If you would prefer to avoid additional airport security hassles and extra charges for your heavy luggage (sorry, you'll still have to take your shoes off) you may want to ship your auction goodies before the auction night to the attention of Justin Scroggs, jscroggs[at], who will be at the Hyatt Regency Denver as of Friday, June 1. You can also just bring your items to the auction, or email me at any time to make other arrangements for pick up or drop off.

Of course, I'm hoping that those who have volunteered to 'work the auction' in the past will once again be willing to jump into the fray. New volunteers will be very welcome too. Just let me know if you're interested in helping before (pricing, merchandising, etc.) or during (slight madness) or both. It's a lot of fun, and a great way to get to know other News Division members."

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General Information About Denver

Colorado State University Libraries is hosting a Denver Conference Wiki which should prove useful as you start planning for the conference. Also check out the Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau. Information about the Colorado Convention Center is on their Web site.

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Getting Around Denver

The Denver Conference Wiki details your transportation options for traveling between the airport and downtown Denver.

Thanks to Vickie Makings of The Denver Post for recommending the following maps of downtown Denver:

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What to Wear

Some good advice for almost any SLA conference is to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring leg and/or foot lotion for sore muscles. It's also a good idea to bring a sweater or jacket for cold lecture halls. How people dress varies. Business casual is the median. Some people choose to wear formal business attire, but there are always people in shorts and jeans as well. People usually dress up for some of the fancier activities, like the Opening Gala and the News Division Awards Banquet. Some events state the dress code.

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What to Attend

Go to anything that interests you. The majority of the sessions are open to anyone, regardless of division, caucus, or chapter affiliation. If an event is only for people from a certain division, caucus, or chapter, it will almost always say so.

Walk through the exhibit hall at least once. Some conference-goers plan several hours in their schedule to visit the vendors. Vendors help defray the cost of the conferences and many support SLA activities outside of the conference, so visiting their booths lets them know that their presence is appreciated. It's also a great opportunity to learn about products and professional development resources.

The vendors often have free goodies, like pens, highlighters, and sticko-notes, that are good to grab. Some libraries get their year's supply of pens in the exhibit hall. Some people recommend bringing an extra shipping box to send stuff back to the office or home after the conference because it's easy to get overloaded with free stuff and conference handouts. Sharing conference goodies with coworkers can be a great way to earn brownie points.

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Last Updated: 11/18/07
Amy Disch